
The Monitor page displays the services and network interfaces that can be set up for monitoring. The system will initiate auto failover to maintain performance if any monitored services or network interfaces become unavailable.


  • You are recommended to only set up monitoring for higher prioritized services and network interfaces. Auto failover may take some time to complete and you might not want a lower priority service or interface to trigger an auto failover and interrupt running services.


This section displays the services that can be monitored.

To monitor a service:

  1. Select one or more services for the system to monitor.
  2. Click Apply to save settings.

Network Interface

This section displays all the logical network interfaces that can be monitored and their status.

To monitor a network interface:

  1. Select one or more network interfaces for the system to monitor.
    Note: Before enabling monitoring for a selected network interface, please set up a static IP address for the interface first via Control Panel > Network > Network Interface.
  2. Click Apply to save settings.


If an interface is under monitoring, the system will failover to the passive server when the network connection on the active server fails or malfunctions and the network connection of the passive server is still functioning normally.

  • Failover will be triggered only if the passive server has more healthy connections. For example, if the active server has three connections and one fails, the system will trigger a failover only if the passive server has three or more healthy connections.
  • Connections combined with Link Aggregation count as one connection. For example, if two connections are combined, and one of them fails, but the other one is still working, the connection will still count as healthy.
Network Interface