Share File Links
Files or folders stored on your Synology NAS can be shared quickly and easily. Simply right-click a file or folder and select Share file links. This generates a link and QR code, which can be sent to friends or other users. They can follow the link to download the selected file or folder, whether or not they possess a DSM account.
To share file links:
- Select the files or folders you want to share.
- Right-click one of the selected files or folders or click the Action menu. Then choose Share file links.
- Share links and QR codes are displayed in the window that appears.
- The following options can also be modified:
- Validity period: You can customize valid access periods and access times for shared links.
- Customize validity period: You can determine how long a shared link will remain active after creation. The link will turn invalid once it passes the specified period.
- Customize valid access times: You can determine how many times a shared link can be accessed. The link will turn invalid once it passes the specified times.
- Share with DSM users: You can share the link with DSM users or groups by selecting them from the drop-down list. Please note that you cannot share with the guest account and users group.
- Share with others: You can share password-protected links with other people, including non-DSM users.
- Validity period: You can customize valid access periods and access times for shared links.
To enable links:
- Go to Control Panel > QuickConnect and make sure Enable QuickConnect is checked. If you have not set up QuickConnect, you can can do so in this page.
- Next, click Advanced and make sure File Sharing is checked.
- Shared files can be downloaded without having a DSM account by accessing the sharing link.
Customize Shared Link Page
File Station offers you various options to stylize the shared link page.
- Go to File Station > Settings > Shared Links > Custom.
- Select Customize shared link page and click Custom settings.
- You can customize the page in the ways below:
- Template: Choose either default template.
- Background: Click the thumbnail or + to choose a default wallpaper, image on your Synology NAS, or a previously applied image.
- Logo: Click the thumbnail or + to choose an uploaded image (smaller than 1 MB), image on your Synology NAS, or a previously applied image. The logo can be positioned in any of the four corners.
- Click Preview to see if any adjustments are needed.
- Click OK to apply the settings.
- The customized settings are applied to all shared links regardless of their created time.
- You can only apply images of the following formats as the wallpaper/logo: .jpe, jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .gif, and .png
Managing Shared Links
Existing shared links can be managed by going to Tools > Shared Links Manager. In the window that appears, there are options to edit, share, or remove existing shared links.
- You can create up to 1000 shared links.
- The Status section of each shared link displays one of the following:
- Valid: The shared link is working properly.
- Expired: The validity period of the shared link has expired.
- Invalid: The shared file or folder no longer exists, or you do not possess proper privilege to access the file or folder.
- Not effective yet: The shared link has not become active yet.
Customize Shared Link Page
Managing Shared Links