From the Status tab you can view basic information regarding various aspects of your Web Station, such as default server, personal website, and back-end packages.
The first section in the Status tab displays the the general information of the Web Station, including default server, personal website, and Virtual Host.
Default server status
The following are the possible status types of a default server:
- Normal: The server back-end and the PHP back-end act normally.
- Abnormal: The server back-end or the PHP back-end has encountered some errors.
Personal website status
The following are the possible status types of the personal website feature:
- Enabled: Personal website has been enabled.
- Disabled: Personal Website has been disabled.
Virtual Host status
The following are the possible status types of the Virtual Host field:
- Normal: All the Virtual Hosts in your system are acting normally.
- Abnormal: At least one Virtual Host in your system has encountered an error.
- --: No Virtual Hosts have been set in your systems.
Back-end Packages
The second section in the Status tab displays the information about the status of the packages supported by Web Station.
Package status
The following are the possible status types of a back-end package:
- Installed: The package has already been installed in your system.
- --: The package has not been installed in you system.
To manage a back-end package:
Click the blue arrow icon in the Management column of a package. The description page of the package will then be opened in the Package Center, where you can manage the package.