Editing Slides
Content Editing
You can edit the content of your slides using the top toolbar, which contains several main formatting options for quick access:
- Undo or redo the last action
- Change text font or size
- Add bold, italic, underline, or strikethrough to text
- Change text or background color
- Align text
- Create numbered or bulleted lists
- Increase or decrease indent
- Adjust line or paragraph spacing
In addition to the options above, Office also offers advanced editing tools for you to work on slides and make wonderful presentations. Below are some highlighted features.
Organizing Slides
To insert a slide, do either of the following:
- Click the + button on the left end of the toolbar.
- Right-click on the left preview bar and click New slide.
To insert a slide with a layout, do either of the following:
- Click the drop-down button next to the + and choose a layout.
- Right-click on the left preview bar and click New slide with layout.
To reorder slides, follow the steps below:
- Select a slide in the left preview bar.
- Drag & drop the slide to rearrange its order.
To select multiple slides
- Select several slides in a row: press the Shift key and click the last slide in the row.
- Select slides that aren’t in a row: press and hold the Ctrl key (Cmd on a Mac) and click the slides you want to move.
To use the object options on a slide:
- Select an object or multiple objects. To do so, hold the Shift key on your keyboard and click each object you want to select.
- Choose from the following options in Object menu:
- Order: Place the object in front of or behind text, images, or other objects.
- Rotate: Adjust the orientation of objects.
- Group: Assemble multiple objects to make them easier to move and format.
- Align: If you select multiple objects, you can align the edges of them.
- Center on page: Vertically or horizontally center objects on slides.
- Distribute: If you select three or more objects, you can evenly distribute the space between them.
To change background colors:
- Choose a slide.
- Click the Slide menu > Change background.
- Choose Color fill or Image fill.
- Click Apply to all slides to apply the background style to all slides.
- If you click Reset to theme, the background of the selected slide(s) will be reset to the theme style.
To change themes:
- Click Slide in the top menu > Theme.
- Choose the theme style you prefer, and then it will be applied to all slides.
Slide Master
If you want to change something on all slides of your presentation, you can edit the master slide.
- Open the Slide menu, and then select Slide master.
- The page will switch to the master template editor.
- Select the master slide at the top of the left preview bar or a specific slide layout.
To adjust the layout of all slides using the master slide:
- Select the master slide at the top.
- Make your desired changes to the master slide.
- When finished, close the master template editor by clicking the X at the top-right of the pane.
- The changes will appear on all slides of the presentation.
To customize slide layouts:
You can use the master template editor to modify any slide layout in your slides. It's easy to make small adjustments like fine-tuning background styles and more significant changes like rearranging or deleting placeholders. Unlike the master slide, changes to a slide layout will only be applied to slides using that layout in your presentation.
- Open the master template editor. When it opens, the layout of the currently selected slide will be displayed by default.
- Locate and select the desired layout in the left preview bar.
- Move, modify, add, or delete any objects as desired.
- When you're finished, close the master template editor by clicking the X at the top-right of the pane.
Adjustments made to themes will also be applied to slide masters.
Playing Slides
To play slides in the full screen mode:
- In the top-right of your screen, click the Play slides button.
- The slide show will be played in the full screen mode from the current slide. To change slides, use the left/right arrow keys on your keyboard or click the arrows at the top-right of the presentation.
- To exit full screen, press the Esc key.
To view notes in the speaker mode:
- In the top-right menu bar, click the Show notes button.
- In the speaker window, you can
- View the current and the next slide
- Check the timer and pause it when needed
- Adjust the text size of speaker notes
Other options in the top-right menu bar that you can use while presenting:
- Select a specific slide to jump to using the Switch to button.
- Enable the Laser pointer to highlight key points in your slides.