Share Stream Path

You can right-click on any of your cameras and select Share stream path to get the RTSP, RTSP-over-HTTP, and Multicast URLs.

To set up the stream path expiration duration:

Select an option from the Duration of validity drop-down menu:

  • 1 hour: Refresh the stream path every hour.
  • forever: The stream path will never timeout.


  • This path uses port 554.
  • RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) is a common protocol defined in RFC2326.


  • This path uses the HTTP port configured in DSM.
  • RTSP-over-HTTP is an RTSP via HTTP protocol. With this URL, users can access streaming data in an environment with a firewall or with NAT (Network Address Translation) applied.


  • This path uses port 554.
  • With a Multicast URL, the same camera's data can be streamed to multiple users at the same time, with higher performance and lower usage of the server's bandwidth.


  1. To show the multicast path in the Stream Path window, go to the Live View page to Enable multicast.
  2. To connect via a router or switch, make sure your router or switch supports IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol).