
On the Log Center > Logs page, you can view, search for, and export logs.

To search logs:

  1. In the search drop-down menu, you can specify the following criteria depending on the situation:
    • Keyword: Enter keyword to search for log messages that contains the matching keyword.


      You may use the following wildcard characters and operators for advanced search:

      • [*]: The wildcard represents zero or more non-space characters. For example, [a*n] can represent any word starting with [a] and ending with [n], such as [action], [attention], or [an].
      • [?]: The wildcard represents exactly one non-space character. For example, [ca?] can represent any word starting with [ca] and ending with only one character, such as [car], [cat], or [cap].
      • [AND]: The operator will show results which include search terms altogether. For example: [admin AND root] will show log results that include both [admin] and [root].
      • [OR]: The operator will show results which include one of the search terms. For example, [admin OR root] will show results that include either [admin] or [root].
      • [NOT]: The operator excludes words from your search. For example, [NOT admin] will show results that exclude [admin].
      • [()]: Parentheses enclose search terms to specify the order in which they are interpreted if both AND and OR are used. For example, [(admin OR root) AND NOT logged] will show results that include [admin] or [root], and then exclude [logged].
    • Date Range: Search for logs by the specified date range.
    • Level: Search for logs by the specified level.
    • Host name: Search for logs by the specified host name.
    • Program: Search for logs by the specified program name.
    • Category: Search for logs by the specified program category.
  2. Click Search to search for logs matching the specified criteria.

To export logs:

  1. Click the arrow next to the Export button.
  2. Choose HTML or CSV to download the logs using your desired format.


  • The character encoding of exported CSV log files is UTF-8. You will need to open the file with a program that supports UTF-8 character encoding.