Download Files
You can download files or folders from Synology NAS to your computer.
Download Files
To download files to your local computer:
- Select the files or folders you want to download. Press and hold Shift or Ctrl while making multiple selections.
- Click Action > Download and select the desired download mode according to your web browser:
- Google Chrome: Click Download to download individual files (uncompressed). Click Download as .zip to download multiple files into a .zip file (using the File Station codepage specified at Settings > General).
- Other browsers: Click Download to download one single file or multiple files into a .zip file (using the File Station codepage specified at Settings > General).
- Files are downloaded to the location configured in your browser's settings.
- Under the Windows environment, characters \ * ? " < > | : contained in the filename will be replaced by - after downloading.
- To stop Chrome from automatically downloading multiple files, go to its settings and change the content settings in the privacy section.
- Chrome in the incognito mode does not support downloading individual files as uncompressed files.
Obtain the File/Folder’s Download Link
You can obtain the download link to a file or folder and share the link with other users.
To obtain a file or folder's download link:
- Select the file or folder for which you want to obtain its download link.
- Do either of the following to open the Properties window:
- Choose Properties from the Action menu.
- Right-click on the files or folders and select Properties.
- Right-click on the download link, and choose the pertinent function from the shortcut menu to copy the download link. The name of the function may vary depending on the web browser you are using.
- Send the link to other users via Email or instant messages. They can download the linked file or folder by entering their username and password.
- To download a file or folder with the download link, a valid username and password are required.
Download Files
Obtain the File/Folder’s Download Link