Synology MailPlus (Android)

Version 2.7

With the Synology MailPlus app, you can organize emails efficiently with mailboxes, labels, advanced search, and much more.

Before You Start

Before installing the MailPlus app, please check the following:

  • You or your administrator has installed and set up MailPlus Server and MailPlus on a Synology NAS running DSM 6.0 or above.
  • You have the permission to use MailPlus in Control Panel > (Application) Privileges and your account has been activated in MailPlus Server > Account.

Getting Started

To sign in to MailPlus:

  1. Enter the following information on the login page:
    • Address or QuickConnect ID: Enter the IP address, DDNS hostname, or QuickConnect ID of the Synology NAS.
    • HTTPS: Tick the checkbox if you want the connection to be SSL/TLS encrypted.
  2. Enter your DSM login credentials or log in with SSO.
  3. If you have more than one MailPlus account, tap menu > your account name > ADD NEW ACCOUNT. You can then switch across accounts with a simple tap.

To sign out of MailPlus:

  1. Tap menu in the upper-left corner to open the left panel.
  2. Tap your account.
  3. Under Currently connected accounts, tap more to the right of the target account and select Remove.

Synology MailPlus

Navigating MailPlus

MailPlus is organized as follows on the left panel:

  • Inbox: All received emails
  • Starred: All emails marked as starred
  • Drafts: All saved drafts
  • Scheduled: All emails scheduled on the MailPlus web client
  • Sent: All sent emails
  • Junk: All emails marked as spam
  • Trash: All deleted emails
  • Archived: All archived emails
  • Mailboxes: All customized mailboxes
  • Labels: All customized labels

Basic operations

To compose an email:

  • Tap pencil in the bottom-right corner to open the mail editor.

To delete, mark, or move an email:

Use the following gestures to manage an email:

  • Long press on an email.
  • Tap the icons next to an email.
  • Swipe to the left or right. You can go to Settings > Swipe options to customize the position of each action button.

To manage your Inbox:

  • Group emails by mailboxes. An email can only be in one mailbox at a time.
  • Sort emails by labels. An email can have multiple labels applied to it.
  • Organize emails by starring, marking as read/unread, and archiving.

To manage your contacts:

  • Tap the search field and then tap Show All to enter the contact list.
    • Create a contact: Tap the plus icon to enter the information.
    • Edit or delete a contact: Tap on a contact and tap more on the right-hand side to select the corresponding action. The options here are only available when you have permission to modify the selected contact.
    • Star a contact: Swipe a contact to the left and tap Mark as starred.
    • Write to a contact: Tap on a contact and tap the email address under the account to start writing.
    • Track the communication history: Tap on a contact to check the messages between you and the contact.

To perform a search:

  • Tap the search field. Recent contacts and searches will be listed for your convenience. You can also tap the Advanced icon on the right-hand side to specify the search criteria.

To quickly reply to an email:

  • Tap lightning_bolt on the upper toolbar to select the quick-reply template you wish to use.
  • You can edit templates at Settings > Quick template.

To add events from emails to your calendar:

  1. Open the target email and tap more > Add to calendar.
  2. Set the start and end times for the event. If the event lasts all day, select All day event.
  3. Once you have configured the event, save it to your default calendar.

To manage scheduled emails:

  • The schedule_send icon on the right-hand side of a thread indicates that it contains a scheduled email. You can also go to the Scheduled mailbox to check all the scheduled emails and perform either of the following actions:
    • View the content
    • Tap REVERT TO DRAFT to cancel send


  • Emails currently can only be scheduled on the MailPlus web client.
  • Quick Reply is not supported in a thread that contains a scheduled email.

Synology Calendar

On your MailPlus app, tap Calendar from the bottom menu to access Synology Calendar features.

To change your calendar view:

  1. Tap the menu menu icon.
  2. Select Agenda or Day view.

To show My Calendars and Other Calendars:

  1. Tap the menu menu icon.
  2. Select which calendars you want to show:
    • My Calendars: Calendars you've created or shared
    • Other Calendars: Calendars shared with you by others

To show hidden and declined events:

  1. Tap the menu menu icon > Event Filter.
  2. Select the type of events you want to show on your calendar:
    • Hidden events
    • Declined events

Learn how to hide or unhide events and respond to event invitations.

To view, edit, and delete events:

  1. Select Agenda or Day view to browse events.
  2. Tap an event to view Event Details:
    • Date, time, and location
    • Organizer
    • Calendar type
    • Reminders
    • Guestlist
    • Attachments
  3. Here you can also Edit, Delete, Hide, or Unhide the event.

To create events:

  1. Select Agenda or Day view.
  2. Tap the add add icon.
  3. Edit the following details for the event:
    • Event title
    • Time and location
    • Repeat settings
    • Calendar type
    • Event color
    • Guestlist
    • Reminders

To create recurring events:

  1. Select Agenda or Day view.
  2. Tap the add add icon.
  3. Tap Repeat.
  4. Choose how often you want the event to repeat and specify when it ends.

To set up event reminders:

  1. Tap an event to open Event Details.
  2. Tap the add edit icon > Reminder.
  3. You can select up to 5 reminders.

To invite guests to events:

  1. Tap an event to open Event Details.
  2. Tap the add edit icon > Guestlist to add guests to your event.


  • To receive event invitations, guests need set up their Synology Calendar email addresses. Contact your system administrator to update Calendar accounts.

To respond to event invitations:

  1. Open the invitation email or the event on Calendar.
  2. Tap Yes, Maybe, or No.

To hide or unhide events:

You can hide or unhide events in either of the following ways:

  • In Agenda view, swipe to Hide or Unhide events.
  • In Agenda or Day view, tap an event to open Event Details. Tap the ⋯ more icon and select Hide or Unhide.
  • In Agenda or Day view, long press on an event to Hide or Unhide.


  • Unhide is only available if you've selected Event Filter > Show hidden events on the left panel.

To receive notifications for all events:

Go to Settings > Calendar Notifications > enable Calendar Notifications.

To receive daily summaries for important events:

Enable Daily Summary to receive an event overview for the day at your chosen time.

  1. Go to Settings > Calendar Notifications > enable Calendar Notifications.
  2. Enable Daily Summary.
  3. Schedule a time to receive daily summaries.


  • The following will be excluded from the daily summary:
    • Hidden events
    • Calendars deselected in the left panel



  • Mail notifications:
    • System notifications: Choose how you would like to receive MailPlus notifications.
    • New mail alerts: Select the mailboxes or labels for which you want to receive notifications when new emails arrive.
  • Mailbox settings:
    • Mailbox/Label management: Add, edit, or delete your mailboxes or labels.
    • Enable priority mailbox: Choose whether or not to display the priority mailboxes that you have set on the web client at the top of the left panel.
    • Conversation view: Choose whether or not to group a message and its replies together in a single conversation thread.
    • Preview: Set the lines of text displayed per email.
    • Swipe options: Customize one action when you swipe right, and two actions when you swipe left. You can find the other actions in the More menu.
  • Email viewer:
    • Custom toolbar: Customize actions on the toolbar.
    • Font size
    • Auto load remote images: Enable to automatically load images from remote sources.
    • Recognize dates: Enable date recognition to create calendar events directly from your emails by tapping on the dates or times mentioned in them.
    • Default calendar: Select the calendar to integrate with MailPlus. Emails can be added to the specified calendar as events.
    • Open the next or Return to email list: Specify the system action after archiving, deleting, and moving an email.
  • Compose & reply:
    • Signature: Select the signature for all outgoing emails from your mobile device. You can choose between the mobile version and the web client version. However, note that editing the web client version is only possible within the web client interface.
    • Quick template: Edit built-in templates or add new ones for a quick reply.


  • Enable Synology Calendar: Enable to access Synology Calendar directly from your MailPlus app.
  • Calendar notifications: Enable to receive notifications for all calendar events. This option also allows you to configure the following:
    • Daily summary: Receive a summary of all important calendar events every day.
    • Notification time: Set the time of the day to receive the daily summaries.
  • Start week on: Choose the first day of the week.
  • Show week numbers


  • Theme: Choose light, dark, or the system default for your MailPlus display. The system default option depends on the display settings of your mobile device.
  • Preload content: Allow MailPlus to load content in advance for improved performance. You can specify whether to allow content preloading over mobile data.
  • Cache management: Set a cache size limit for offline attachments or images you have viewed.
  • Configure passcode: Set a 4-digit passcode lock for the MailPlus app.
  • Trusted connection: View or remove connections that you have set up on your mobile device.
  • Analytics: With this option enabled, required device information and crash logs will be collected to help enhance user experience. Your private data and information will not be collected.


  • Auto-check for update: Choose whether or not to let the system check for new versions to keep your MailPlus up to date.
Before You Start
Getting Started
Synology MailPlus
Navigating MailPlus
Basic operations
Synology Calendar