You can configure the login style or the connection settings of various applications, such as Audio Station, Download Station, Surveillance Station, Video Station, File Station, and many others, so that you can directly access and run these applications in independent browser tabs or windows. To edit these settings, go to Control Panel > Login Portal > Applications, select the application and click Edit.
Login Style
You can customize the appearance of each application's login screen by choosing from a variety of templates, changing the background image, or adding a logo.
To customize the login screen for an application:
- Click Edit under the Login Style section to begin editing the style of the application's login screen.
- Title and Background:
- Login page title: The title of the page which appears above the login fields.
- Background: To change the background image that appears on the login screen, tick Background to enable it. Click Select image to choose from default wallpapers, images stored on the Synology NAS, or previously used images. Only JPE, JPEG, JPG, BMP, GIF, or PNG image file formats are supported.
- Logo: To add a logo to the login screen, tick Logo to enable it. Click Select image to upload an image smaller than 1 MB, choose from images stored on the Synology NAS, or pick a previously used image.
- Messages:
- Welcome title: A welcome title on the login screen.
- Welcome message: A short welcome message which appears below the welcome title on the login screen.
- Footer message: A short message which appears at the bottom of the login screen. If you use HTML codes to your footer message, tick Render HTML in footer message to display the message in HTML format.
- Title and Background:
- Click Preview to preview the changes. On the Preview page, you may click OK to apply the changes or Cancel to close the window and return to the setup page.
- Click Save to save the changes.
Web Services
You can assign an alias or an HTTP/HTTPS port for each Synology-developed application like File Station. With the custom alias or port, you can quickly open the application via a specialized URL.
To customize application aliases:
- Specify the alias in the Alias field.
- Click Save to save the settings.
After you set up an alias for an application (e.g., File Station), you can quickly open the application by entering a URL in the following formats: http://DS_IP_OR_SERVER_NAME/ALIAS/
. For instance, you can quickly access File Station via the URLs: http://192.168.xx.xx/file/
or https://MySynologyNAS/file/
- Some applications have their default aliases: Audio Station (audio), Download Station (download), File Station (file), Surveillance Station (cam), and Video Station (video).
- Alias names cannot be the same as those reserved for system, browsers, or used by other applications, and the number of characters must be between 2 and 20.
- An alias can only consist of mixed case letters, numeric characters, and two special characters (-) and (_).
- An alias cannot start or end with either special character (-) or (_).
To customize application HTTP/HTTPS ports:
- Enter the port number in the Customized port (HTTP) or Customized port (HTTPS) fields.
- Click Save to save the settings.
After you set up HTTP/HTTPS ports for an application (e.g., File Station), you can quickly open the application by entering URLs in the following formats: http://DS_IP_OR_SERVER_NAME:HTTP_PORT
. For instance, you can quickly access File Station via the URLs: http://192.168.xx.xx:7000
or https://MySynologyNAS:7001
- The port number can range between 1 and 65535.
- Some ports are reserved by the system and cannot be used. For more information on system reserved ports, please refer to this article.
To configure the certificate and TLS/SSL profile level for HTTPS ports:
After you set up an HTTPS port for an application (e.g., File Station), you can go to Control Panel > Security > Certificate and click Configure. Then find the service name in the format of Application_Name - HTTPS_PORT to configure the certificate used. Also, you can go to Control Panel > Security > Advanced and click Custom Settings. Then find the service name in the format of Application_Name - HTTPS_PORT to configure the TLS/SSL profile level used. For instance, if the HTTPS port of File Station is 7001, you can go to the two setting pages mentioned above and find the service under the name of FileStation - 7001 for further configuration.
You can customize the domain name for Synology-developed applications like File Station. With the custom domain, you can quickly open the application via a specialized URL.
To customize application domains:
- Specify the custom domain name for the application in the Customized domain field.
- You can also tick Enabling HSTS forces browsers to use secured connections to force HTTPS encrypted connections for this application.
- Click Save to save the settings.
After you set up a domain (e.g., for an application (e.g., File Station), you can quickly open the application by entering a URL in the following formats: http://APP_DOMAIN
or https://APP_DOMAIN
. For instance, you can quickly access File Station via the URLs:
. If the domain name (e.g., FileFile) for an application (e.g., File Station) obeys the NetBIOS naming conventions, Windows users can access it on a Synology NAS in the same local network with a similar URL: http://FileFile
or https://FileFile
- Before setting up this feature, you need to apply for domain names from domain providers so that users can access the service from the Internet.
- Each domain name can only be used for one distinct application on your Synology NAS.
- If the domain name does not exceed 15 characters in length and complies with the NetBIOS naming conventions, the system will register and broadcast the domain name automatically.
- When you access applications via URLs that use domain names, you will go through the standard HTTP port (80) or the standard HTTPS port (443).
To configure the certificate and TLS/SSL profile level for domains:
After you set up a domain for an application (e.g., File Station), you can go to Control Panel > Security > Certificate and click Configure. Then find the service name in the format of Application_Name - Domain to configure the certificate used. Also, you can go to Control Panel > Security > Advanced and click Custom Settings. Then find the service name in the format of Application_Name - Domain to configure the TLS/SSL profile level used. For instance, if the domain of File Station is, you can go to the two setting pages mentioned above and find the service under the name of FileStation - for further configuration.
Access Control Profile
You can restrict user access to the applications according to the user's source IP by creating an access control profile. Denied users will see an access denied page.
To set up access control profiles for an application:
- Select an access control profile from the drop-down list. You can also click Create from the drop-down menu to create a new access control profile.
- Click Save to save the settings.
- If you enable access control with a certificate that is issued by Let's Encrypt, it may lead to certificate auto-renew failure. If this situation happens, please disable access control first. Then, go to Control Panel > Security > Certificate, right-click one of the Let's Encrypt certificates you would like to renew and choose Renew certificate. After renewing the certificate, you can re-enable access control.
You can set up additional options for accessing applications. Go to Control Panel > Login Portal > Applications, click Options.
To hide banner:
- Tick Hide banner to hide banner. This will hide banner when opening applications in separate tabs or windows.
- Click Apply to apply the settings.