Task List

In Task List, you can create and manage virtual machine backup tasks and view the detailed statistics and backup versions of each backup task.

To create a backup task:

  1. Go to Virtual Machine > Task List, click Create, and select the platform you wish to back up.
  2. Follow the instruction of the wizard to create a backup task for the virtual machine. For more information on how to create a backup task, please refer to the following articles:

To edit one or more backup tasks:

  1. Go to Task List.
  2. Select a task you wish to edit and click Edit. You can also batch edit the tasks by pressing Ctrl when selecting multiple tasks, and then click Edit.
  3. Click OK after editing the settings.


  • When batch editing the tasks, please tick the checkbox of the section which you wish to modify. If the checkboxes are not ticked when you click OK, the options will remain unchanged.
  • The backup destination cannot be edited once a backup task has been created.
  • When multiple tasks are selected at once, all of them must be the same type of hypervisor.

To run a backup task:

You can run an immediate backup regardless of the schedule in Task List.

  1. Select the backup task you wish to run.
  2. Click Back up.
  3. The system will start to back up your device according to the task settings.

To cancel a backup task:

You can cancel an ongoing backup task in Task List.

  1. Select the ongoing backup task you wish to cancel.
  2. Click Cancel to cancel the selected backup task.

To delete one or more backup tasks:

Go to Task List to select the task, and then click Delete. After confirming the action, the selected task will be removed and the backed up data will be deleted from the destination.

To check the detailed information of a backup task:

In Task List, select the backup task you wish to view more information on and click Details. The following information will be displayed:

  • Status
    • Status: Complete, failed, or partially complete, suggesting the current status of the backup task.
    • Source: All backed-up virtual machines in the task.
    • Destination: Backup destination of the stored data.
    • Execution time: Last backup time of the task.
    • Transferred size: Volume of data transferred from the source side. The displayed number may be different from the actual used storage space due to deduplication.
    • Duration: Elapsed time of the backup task.
  • Log
    • Type: The category that the log belongs to, information / warning / error, suggesting the severity level of the log.
    • Time: The time of each log.
    • Event: The backup process of each task or encountered issues.

To browse or delete backup versions of a backup task:

  1. In Task List, select the desired backup task.
  2. Click Version to browse the backup versions.
  3. If you wish to delete a backup version, please select the version and click the icon.

To restore the backed up virtual machine:

  1. Go to Virtual Machine > Task List and select the backup task you wish to restore.
  2. Follow the instruction of the restore wizard to restore the virtual machine. For more information on virtual machine restoration, please refer to the following articles: