Mount Virtual Drives
You can mount virtual drives to access the contents of disc images with File Station.
To mount a virtual drive:
- Select a disc image and click Tools > Mount Virtual Drive.
- Click Browse to select or create an empty destination folder on your Synology NAS for mounting the virtual drive.
- Tick the Mount automatically on startup checkbox if you want your Synology NAS to mount the virtual drive on every system startup or reboot.
- Click Mount to continue. Now you can navigate to the destination folder where the virtual drive is mounted and access the contents of the disc image.
- Virtual drives and .iso files can only be mounted to subfolders under shared folders.
To unmount a virtual drive:
- Right-click on the destination folder where the virtual drive is mounted and select Unmount.
- Supported disc image format: ".iso" files using the ISO 9660 and UDF file system.
- The maximum number of concurrent virtual drives is 16.
- Virtual drives cannot be mounted in a Hybrid Share folder or any of its subfolders.