Public Sharing
Audio Station's public sharing function allows you to share songs to the public by providing you with a link you can send to people who are either not in your network or do not have a Synology NAS. Once they have the link, they can listen to the song. If you select multiple songs to share at once, it will create a Shared playlist. Songs you share individually will be added to a Shared songs playlist, which can be found in the Playlist tab.
To share a single song to the public:
- Right click on the song you want to share and select Share to the public.
- In the dialog box that appears, check the box next to Share with the public to enable the link.
- Copy the link and paste it to the person you want to share the song with, or click Go to link to visit the link directly.
To share multiple songs to the public:
- Select multiple songs by holding down the Ctrl key on you keyboard and clicking on the songs you want to share.
- Right click, and select Share with the public.
- In the dialog box that appears, name your playlist.
- If you wish, specify a validity period for the link by checking the box next to Customize Validity Period and setting the period of time your link will be valid.
- Click OK, and the link to share will appear.
- Copy the link and paste it to the person you want to share the playlist with, or click Go to link to visit the link directly.
- You cannot set a validity period for links to songs shared individually.