Email Traffic & Server Status

Monitoring Email Traffic

You can view incoming/outgoing email traffic as well as the status of your email server.

To view incoming/outgoing email traffic by type:

At Server Management > Mail Monitor, you can view the following types of email traffic in a line chart:

  • Sent: The outgoing emails that are sent from your Synology NAS
  • Received: The incoming emails that are received from other email servers
  • Failed: The outgoing emails that failed to be sent from your Synology NAS
  • Resent: The outgoing emails that are resent from your Synology NAS after the initial failures
  • Rejected: The incoming emails that are rejected by your Synology NAS

You can set the Filter to select email types to display.

Top users that frequently conduct each type of activities are also listed here. For example, users that send the most emails during the specified time will be listed. With the list, you can quickly locate suspicious email activities.

To view incoming/outgoing email traffic by time:

On the line chart, all email traffic can be viewed by hour or by date in the following two ways:

  • Click < or > for date adjustment and hover the pointer over the graph to view the traffic at a specific time point.
  • Select a certain date and a temporal scope (e.g., hour or week) from the drop-down menus above the line chart.

To have a time-based log of email activities, click Export to download the .html file.

Monitoring Server Status

At Server Management > Server List, you can manage the Synology NAS running MailPlus Server and view its real-time status. When a high-availability cluster is formed, you can also manage the secondary server and check its status here.

To view server information:

Available information includes the following:

  • Services: IMAP/POP3, SMTP, Spam Filter, Antivirus, Primary Server, and MailPlus
  • Resources: CPU, RAM, and Network (uploading and downloading traffic)

To manage the primary server:

Click Manage to modify the IP address and relevant settings of the primary server.

To check primary server settings:

Click Check Settings to see which settings to adjust for optimal security and performance.

Importing Microsoft Exchange Configurations and Aliases

You can import system configurations and aliases from Microsoft Exchange Server to Synology MailPlus Server for continuous use.

To import system configurations and aliases:

  1. Download the script file (ExchangeConfigExport.ps1) here.
  2. Sign in as the system administrator to the Windows computer running Microsoft Exchange Server.
  3. Move the script file to the Windows computer.
  4. Execute the script file using Windows PowerShell.
  5. When prompted to change the execution policy, choose Yes to allow the script execution.
  6. When the execution completes, system configurations will be exported into a SynologyExportedExchangeConf.xml file and aliases into a SynologyExportedAlias.txt file.
  7. Import configurations in either way below:
    • When MailPlus Server is not yet initialized: Launch MailPlus Server and select Create a new mail system by importing configurations from Microsoft Exchange.
    • When MailPlus Server is already initialized: Launch MailPlus Server and go to Server Management > Configuration Import > Import Configurations.
  8. Click Browse to import the .xml file.
  9. Check configuration details at General Settings (e.g., SMTP and security settings) and Criteria (e.g., blacklists and whitelists).
  10. Click Import.
  11. To import the aliases, go to Domain and double-click the domain in use. In the pop-up window, go to Alias and click Tools > Import aliases to import the .txt file.


  • The generated SynologyExportedAlias.txt file contains the distribution groups and security groups from Microsoft Exchange Server.
  • To migrate emails from Microsoft Exchange Server to Synology MailPlus Server, refer to this article for detailed instructions.
Monitoring Email Traffic
Monitoring Server Status
Importing Microsoft Exchange Configurations and Aliases