BC500 Product Manual

Chapter 3: Set up Synology Camera

  1. Connect your Synology Camera and Synology NAS to the same network. Open IP Camera and run the Add Camera Wizard in your Surveillance Station to initiate, set up, and configure your Synology Camera. The corresponding status indicator will turn stable to indicate successful connection.
  2. Locate and manage your cameras even when Surveillance Station is not available with the Synology Camera Tool.


  • If your network does not have a DHCP server, the camera's default IP address is
  • The RTSP streaming path of the Synology Camera is:
    • rtsp://[IP address]/[number of stream], for example, rtsp:// for Stream 1.
    • Authentication is required for RTSP streaming. Initiate your Synology Camera through its web UI, Camera Tool, or Surveillance Station first.