
Synology Photos provides multiple sharing methods. You can select photos, videos, or albums and share them directly, enable Shared Space and share folders, or use the Photo Request function to collect photos.

Sharing Page Layout

There are three tabs under the Sharing tab:

  • Shared With Me: Lists the items others shared with you. The photos and videos are organized into albums according to the date they were shared.
  • Shared With Others: Lists the items you shared with others. The photos and videos are organized into albums according to the time the share settings were modified. Click to edit the settings.
  • Photo Request: Lists the Photo Requests you created. Click to copy and share the link or click to edit the settings.

Share Photos and Albums

To share photos and videos directly:

  1. In Photos or Albums, select photos and videos and click from the appearing action bar.
  2. Enable the share link.
  3. Select an option from the Privacy Settings drop-down menu:
    • Public: Everyone with the share link can view/download files.
    • Private: Only assigned users can access files. Go to the Invitee List section below to assign permissions.
  4. Configure Link Protection:
    • Require password: Guests must enter a password to view/download files. Tick the checkbox and enter a password.
    • Expire on: Disables the share link after a set date. Tick the checkbox and select a date.
  5. Set up the Invitee List: Select a DSM user/group from the left drop-down menu, assign permissions from the right drop-down menu, and click .
    Permissions Viewer Downloader Provider
    Operations View files O O O
    Download files - O O
    Add files - - O
    Remove self-added files - - O
  6. Click OK. The shared items can be managed in Sharing > Shared With Others.

To share existing albums:

  1. In Albums, go to an album and click from the upper-right corner.
  2. Enable the share link.
  3. Select an option from the Privacy Settings drop-down menu:
    • Public: Everyone with the share link can view/download files.
    • Private: Only assigned users can access files. Go to the Invitee List section below to assign permissions.
  4. Configure Link Protection:
    • Require password: Guests must enter a password to view/download files. Tick the checkbox and enter a password.
    • Expire on: Disables the share link after a set date. Tick the checkbox and select a date.
  5. Set up the Invitee List. Select a DSM user/group from the left drop-down menu, assign permissions from the right drop-down menu, and click .
    Permissions Viewer Downloader Provider
    Operations (Manually-Created Albums) View files O O O
    Download files - O O
    Add files - - O
    Select album in Photo Requests - - O
    Remove self-added files - - O
    Permissions Viewer Downloader
    Operations (Conditional Albums) View files O O
    Download files - O
  6. Click OK. The shared items can be managed in Sharing > Shared With Others.

Share Folders

To share folders:

  1. In Photos > Shared Space, select a folder.
  2. Click > Set folder permissions from the appearing action bar.
  3. Select an option from the Privacy Settings drop-down menu:
    • Only accessible by users with Full Access permission: The default setting. Only users with Full Access permission in Shared Space can access files.
    • Public: Everyone with the share link can view/download files.
    • Private: Only assigned users can access files. Go to the Invitee List section below to assign permissions.
  4. Configure Link Protection:
    • Require password: Guests and users with Custom permission must enter a password to view/download files. Tick the checkbox and enter a password.
    • Expire on: Disables the share link after a set date. Tick the checkbox and select a date.
  5. Set up the Invitee List. Select a DSM user/group from the left drop-down menu, assign permissions from the right drop-down menu, and click .
    Permissions Viewer Downloader Uploader Manager
    Operations View files O O O O
    Download files - O O O
    Upload files - - O O
    Edit dates, times, ratings, and tags - - - O
    Rename folders - - - O
    Change folder covers - - - O
    Create folders - - O O
    Create Photo Request - - O O
    Add files to albums - O O O
    Delete files and folders - - - O
    Copy files and folders - O O O
    Move files and folders - - - O
  6. Tick Apply privacy settings to all subfolders if you wish to apply the Privacy Settings and user privileges in the Invitee List to all the folder's subfolders. The setting is exclusive to first-level folders.
  7. Click OK.


  • Share permissions for folders are only effective to users with Custom permission in Shared Space (users with Full Access permission already have access to all the folders). Users without Custom permission will not be able to see Shared Space. For more information on Shared Space permissions, please refer to this article.

Create Photo Request

Photo Requests allow you to collect photos and videos from others by sharing a link. You can specify the folder and album to save files. Anyone with the link can upload.

To create a photo request:

  1. Do either of the following:
    • In Photos > Folder view, click > Create Photo Request link.
    • In Albums, select an album you created or have Provider permission, and click > Create Photo Request link.
    • In Sharing > Photo Request, click Create Request.
  2. Enter a Subject and Description to show with the link.
  3. Select a Destination Folder to save the uploaded files.
  4. Tick Add photos to album and select an album if you wish to add the uploaded files to the album. If the album is shared, people with the link can view its contents.
  5. Configure Link Protection:
    • Maximum size per file: Files that exceed the limit will not be uploaded. Tick the checkbox and enter a value between 1 and 3,000 MB.
    • Expire on: Disables the Photo Request link after a set date. Tick the checkbox and select a date.
  6. Click Create Request.
  7. Copy and share the link.


  • Due to system restrictions, iOS devices will upload HEIC files to Photo Request links in JPEG format.
  • Files uploaded via Photo Request links will not contain the original metadata.
Sharing Page Layout
Share Photos and Albums
Share Folders
Create Photo Request