Editing Spreadsheets
You can edit and format data in your spreadsheets using the spreadsheet toolbar. Below are the main formatting options that can be found in the toolbar for quick access:
- Undo or redo the last action
- Change text font or size
- Add bold, italic, underline, or strikethrough to text
- Change text or background color
- Add borders to cells
- Merge or unmerge cells
- Align text
- Wrap text
- Insert a chart, link, filter, or comment
In addition to the toolbar, Office also offers you many other editing and formatting options. Below are the highlighted features.
Viewing Online Users
After opening a spreadsheet, you will see other users currently viewing or editing the same spreadsheet. Each of them will be displayed as an account icon next to the title of the spreadsheet in the upper right corner.
- DSM users: Can be identified by username/nickname and profile photo.
- Non-DSM users: Will be displayed as Guest 1, Guest 2, etc.
To view a user’s current cursor position in a spreadsheet:
- Click on the account icon of a user in the upper right corner of the screen.
- You will be directed to the current cursor position of this user, with the username/nickname and cursor marked in the same color.
Copy and Paste
To paste special in a spreadsheet:
- Copy the data you want to paste.
- Click the Edit menu > Paste special, or simply right-click the cell and choose Paste special.
- If you want to paste the text contained in the original range of cells only, select Paste values only. If you want to copy cell formatting only, select Paste format only.
- Paste special gives you more control over what properties you are copying and pasting into a range of cells, but paste special works only within a single spreadsheet. That is, you cannot copy cells from one spreadsheet and use paste special in a spreadsheet you have opened in another tab.
Find and Replace
To find and replace a term:
- Click the Edit menu > Find and replace, or simply press Ctrl + F.
- Type a term into the search field. All occurrences of the term will be highlighted.
- If multiple results are found, you can switch between the previous and the next one using the left and right arrows.
- Click More Options and tick the following two checkboxes to refine your search results:
- Match case: Makes your search case-sensitive.
- Match entire cell contents: Searches for cells containing exactly the same text that you type. For example, a cell containing books will not be returned if you type book.
- To replace a term, click More Options, type the new text into the Replace with field, and do either of the following:
- Click Replace to replace a single occurrence of the term.
- Click Replace all to replace all occurrences of the the term.
Editing Rows, Columns, and Cells
To insert a row:
- Select a row, and click the Insert menu > Row above or Row below. Alternatively, you can right-click the selected row and choose Insert 1 above or Insert 1 below.
- To insert multiple rows, right-click the selected row, choose Insert multiple rows, and enter the position and quantity.
To insert a column:
- Select a column, and click the Insert menu > Column left or Column right. Alternatively, you can right-click the selected column and choose Insert 1 left or Insert 1 right.
- To insert multiple columns, right-click the selected column, choose Insert multiple columns, and enter the position and quantity.
To freeze/unfreeze rows or columns:
- Click the View menu > Freeze.
- Select one of the options to freeze up to two rows or columns. You can also choose Up to current row or Up to current column to freeze the rows or columns up to the selected one.
- The data of the frozen rows or columns will remain in the same place as you scroll through the spreadsheet.
- To unfreeze rows or columns, click the View menu > Freeze, and select Unfreeze rows or Unfreeze columns.
To hide/unhide rows or columns:
- Select one or multiple rows/columns.
- Click the View menu, or simply right-click the selected rows/columns, and then choose Hide rows or Hide columns. An upside-down triangle will appear over the heading of a hidden row or column.
- To unhide rows or columns, simply click on the upside-down triangle, and the hidden rows or columns will reappear.
To merge/unmerge cells:
- Highlight the cells you want to combine.
- Click the Format menu > Merge cells > Merge.
- To unmerge, highlight the cells and click the Format menu > Merge cells > Unmerge.
- The maximum number of total cells per spreadsheet is 2,000,000.
- Merging cells will only preserve the top-leftmost value.
Inserting Links and Notes
To add a link:
- Click the cell into which you want to insert the link.
- Click the Insert menu > Link, or simply right-click the cell and choose Insert link.
- In the Text field, type or edit the text to be displayed in the cell containing the link. Leave this field blank if you want to display the full URL.
- In the Link field, paste a URL.
- Click Apply to save the settings.
To remove a link:
- Click the cell with the URL you want to remove.
- Right-click the cell and choose Remove link.
To insert a note:
- Click the cell into which you want to insert a note.
- Click the Insert menu > Note, or simply right-click the cell and choose Insert note.
- Type or edit your note in the editing box.
- Move your mouse cursor away from the cell. You will see a black triangle in the upper right corner of the cell. The note will appear whenever you move your mouse cursor over the cell.
To remove a note:
- Move your mouse cursor over a cell with a note (with a black triangle in the upper right corner).
- Delete the note from the editing box.
Viewing Online Users
Copy and Paste
Find and Replace
Editing Rows, Columns, and Cells
Inserting Links and Notes