SVN Server
SVN Server is an open source version control system that allows you to maintain current and historical versions of files and to access its repository across networks easily and efficiently. It keeps a record of every change made to your data, and allows you to track the full version history of files and directories, to recover older versions of your data from the repository, and to move and/or copy entire directory-trees while retaining the revision history.
Creating Repositories
The repository is the central storage place for SVN Server's files and directories. Any changes made to the files in the repository will be versioned and recorded.
To create a repository:
- Click Add.
- Enter the following details under the General tab:
- Repository name: Enter a name of your own choice for users to identify the repository they want to connect to.
- Realm: Enter a name of your own choice to tell users which authentication namespace they are connecting to. This authentication namespace is used as a key that can be associated with multiple repositories.
- Anonymous permission: Assign levels of access privileges to restrict or allow anonymous users to access this repository.
- Access URL: Use the URL to access your destination repository.
- Click User > Add to create user accounts that can access this repository. Users will have read/write access by default.
- The repository name is case sensitive and can include 1 to 64 Unicode characters, but cannot contain the following symbols:
+! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] \ ^ ` { } | ~ - The first character of a repository name cannot be a minus sign or a space, and the last character cannot be a space.
- The realm name is case sensitive and can only contain alphanumeric characters, periods (.), dashes (-) and underscores (_). The first and the last character cannot be a space. The total length cannot exceed 64 characters.
- SVN Server does not support HTTP and HTTPS protocol for now.
To remove a repository:
Select the repository you want to remove, and click Remove.
All data and settings of the chosen repository will be permanently removed and cannot be recovered after the repository is deleted.
Modifying Settings
You can make changes to existing repositories or user accounts.
To edit repository settings or user accounts:
Double click on the repository you want to modify, or select the repository and click Edit. You can change the realm name, anonymous permission, add or remove certain user accounts.
Maintain Repositories
You can maintain existing repositories with the Maintain button on the main page. The following options are available:
- Pack: Consolidates archive versions to save space and increase efficiency.
- Only repositories using FSFS formats can be packed.
- Packed repositories cannot be accessed by SVN Server earlier than version 1.6.
- Verify: Inspects each version in the database and reports corrupted revisions.
- Upgrade: Upgrades your database to the latest version for increased efficiency. The time required depends on the size of the repository. We recommend backing up your repository before upgrading.