View WriteOnce Properties
File Station enables you to access the settings of shared folders with WriteOnce permissions, as well as the WriteOnce properties of individual files.
To view the settings of a WriteOnce shared folder:
- Select the WriteOnce shared folder whose properties you want to view.
- Right-click on the shared folder and select Properties.
- Go to the WriteOnce tab. You can find the following information:
- Mode: The mode this WriteOnce shared folder is in. WriteOnce shared folders are in either Enterprise or Compliance mode.
- Auto Lock: This option, when enabled, will cause the system to automatically lock any files that are added to the shared folder.
- Auto Lock Timer: The amount of time you can modify the files before they are automatically locked. However, if the files are modified within this period, the timer resets. After this time has passed with no further modifications, the system will automatically lock files.
- Retention period: The amount of time the files will be locked.
- Lock state: The state in which the files will be locked. Files are locked in either "Immutable" or "Append-only" state. For more information about lock states, refer to the next section.
- Click Save if you have modified the settings on other tabs.
To view the WriteOnce properties of files:
- In the WriteOnce shared folder, select the file whose properties you want to view.
- Right-click on the file and select Properties.
- Go to the WriteOnce tab. You can find the following information:
- Lock state: The state this file is in. Whether the data in this file can be modified or deleted depends on which state it is in.
- Open: A file in this state is the same as a normal file. You can modify or delete this file before it is locked.
- Locked (Immutable): In this state, the data in the file cannot be modified or deleted.
- Locked (Append-only): In this state, the data in the file cannot be modified or deleted. However, you can continue to add new data to the end of the file.
- Expired (Immutable): This indicates that the file was expired from "Immutable" state. In this state, the data in the file cannot be modified. However, you can delete the file to free up storage space.
- Expired (Append-only): This indicates that the file was expired from "Append-only" state. In this state, the data in the file cannot be modified, and no new data can be added to the end of the file. However, you can delete the file to free up storage space.
- Retention period: The amount of time the files will be locked.
- Current status: The amount of time before the file will be locked or before the lock expires.
- Lock state: The state this file is in. Whether the data in this file can be modified or deleted depends on which state it is in.
- Click Save if you have modified the settings on other tabs.
- Refer to the Synology NAS models that support WriteOnce.
- To avoid unforeseen issues, it's essential not to migrate WriteOnce data to devices lacking WriteOnce support. Refer to Synology WriteOnce (WORM) White Paper for details in different scenarios.
- Due to factors such as shutting down the system or unmounting the volume, the actual retention period may exceed the value you specified. For more information, refer to this article.
- To modify WriteOnce settings, go to Control Panel > Shared Folder. For more information, refer to this article.
- To manually lock files, extend retention period, or convert lock state, refer to this article.