
In Registry, you can download the image files. Docker Hub will be the default registry. You can use other repositories as well.

To download images:

  1. Enter the keyword in the search bar and press Enter to search for the image.
  2. Select an image from the search results and click Download or double-click on the image.

To manage your repository list:

  1. Click Settings, and select the repositories you want to manage.
    • Add: Add new repositories.
    • Edit: Modify the name and URL of the registry. You can also enable registry mirroring and allow the registry to trust self-signed SSL certificates.
    • Delete: Delete the repository from the list. You cannot delete the default repositories, Docker Hub and Aliyun Hub.
    • You can deploy private registry servers by using Docker official or third-party registry images. If the images you download satisfy registry HTTP API version 1 or 2, you can add the registry servers.