Work with Playlist
You can organize your songs into playlists to categorize and access your favorite music more easily.
There are three types of playlists: Personal playlist (viewable by the Synology NAS user who created the playlist), Group playlist (viewable by all Synology NAS users with access to Audio Station), and Smart playlist (songs in this playlist are exclusively selected based on specific rules).
Create New Playlists
Audio Station allows you to create new empty playlists from scratch or by saving the now playing queue. You can also save Internet radio stations to your playlists.
To create playlists, do either of the following:
- Method 1
- Go to the left panel and click + next to Playlist to create an empty playlist or smart playlist. Name the playlist and click OK. Tick Add as group playlist if you want to create a group playlist.
- To create a smart playlist, click Add Rule in the appeared window to set the rules, and then click OK.
- While browsing through your music library or the lists of Internet radio, you can select the songs or radio stations that you want to add to the playlist you have just created, and then right-click to choose Save to personal playlist or Save to group playlist.
- Method 2
- After playing songs or listening to radios by double-clicking or adding them to the playing queue, you can save your music listening history as your playlist. Go to Playing Queue on the left panel, and right-click any item on the queue to choose Save playing queue.
- Name the playlist and click OK. Tick Add as group playlist if you want to create a group playlist.
- A playlist can contain up to 8,192 items, including songs and Internet radios.
- You cannot add folders to playlists.
- DSM administrators (DSM admin or a user belonging to the administrators group) or users with the Manage Playlist privilege (in Settings > Privileges) can create group playlists or group smart playlists.
Edit Playlists
You can do the following to edit the selected playlist by right-clicking or going to Action on the control bar.
- To rename the playlist, right-click the playlist and choose Rename.
- To remove the playlist, right-click on the playlist and choose Delete.
- To adjust the order of songs in the playlist, select songs and right-click them to choose Up or Down to move them up or down in the playlist.
You can also adjust the order of songs in a playlist by selecting and dragging them up or down. - To remove songs from the playlist, select multiple songs by holding the Ctrl or Shift key and right-click to choose Delete.
- To remove missing songs indicated with an "X" from the playlist, right-click any item and choose Clear missing songs.
- To copy a group playlist to a personal playlist and vice versa, right-click the playlist and choose Copy to personal playlist or Copy to group playlist.
- To edit the rules of a smart playlist, right-click the playlist and choose Edit to modify the rules.
Add Playlists to Playing Queue
- To add a playlist to the queue and replace the existing songs in the queue, right-click the playlist and select Play. Audio Station will play the songs in the playlist immediately.
- To append a playlist to the end of the queue without replacing the existing songs in the queue, right-click the playlist and select Add to queue.
- To append a playlist right after the current played song without replacing the existing songs in the queue, right-click the playlist and select Add next to current.