Chat Plugin
Office works with Synology Chat to make online collaboration more instant and interactive. This section will guide you on how to use the features related to Chat in Office.
To launch the Chat plugin in Office:
- Install Synology Chat from DSM’s Package Center.
- Open a file, and you will see the Chat plugin icon in the left sidebar.
- Click the Chat plugin icon. The Chat plugin window will pop up in the lower right corner of the screen.
The Chat plugin works almost exactly like your Synology Chat package. Below are some of the highlighted features.
- All your contacts and channels in Synology Chat will be displayed in the Chat plugin too, allowing you to chat with other people without having to switch windows.
- Your conversation records in the Chat plugin will be synced to your Synology Chat.
- Click the contact tab to view your contacts and channels, or click the chat tab to view recent conversations.
- You can search for a user in the search bar.
Chatting with Collaborators
To send a message to an online user:
You can send messages directly to an online user who has access to a shared file.
- After opening the Chat plugin, you will see all the online editing users under CURRENTLY EDITING. Click on the user that you want to message.
- Type your message and press Enter. Your conversation will be synced to your Synology Chat.
To send a message to all collaborators of a file:
You can send messages to all users who have access to a shared file via a dedicated file channel.
- After opening the Chat plugin, you will see a channel on the top of the window. The name of the channel will be the same as the file. Click on the file channel to start a group chat with users with editing permission of this file.
- Type your message and press Enter.
- A file channel will be displayed only in the Chat plugin window of the file. It will not appear in the Synology Chat package or the Chat plugin window of other files.
Linking Folders to Chat Channels
You can link a folder to a Synology Chat channel so that people will receive notifications related to this folder directly via the Chat channel.
To link a folder to a Chat channel:
- On the homepage of Office, select a folder that you have editing permission for.
- Click the More icon in the toolbar and click Link to Chat.
- Select one or more channels. You can search for a channel in the search bar.
- Click OK. All channel members will receive notifications in the following situations:
- When someone creates a file or a sub-folder in this folder.
- When someone deletes a file or a sub-folder from this folder.
- Since a new file is named Untitled by default, channel members will not receive a notification for a newly created file until the file has been renamed for the first time.
- Any update in a sub-folder will not trigger a notification. If you want channel members to receive notifications for the updates within a sub-folder, you can link the sub-folder to the Chat channel.
Chatting with Collaborators
Linking Folders to Chat Channels