Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Admin Console
Create backup tasks for Microsoft 365 accounts and monitor the backup status via the admin console of Active Backup for Microsoft 365.
Before You Start
To install Active Backup for Microsoft 365, make sure that your Synology NAS is compatible with the package and that it is running on DSM 6.2 or above.
Create Backup Tasks
To authorize tasks:
Backup tasks require an Azure AD application and a certificate to authorize the access to Microsoft 365 data. Enter the required information to generate your application and certificate.
- Go to the Task List page and click Create to launch the Task Creation Wizard.
- Select Create a backup task.
- Select your Microsoft 365 endpoint type. Enter a strong and memorable password to protect your certificate.
- Sign in to Microsoft 365 as a global admin. Click Accept if you agree to the permission request.
- Download and keep your certificate in a secure place.
- Continue to the next section to customize the task settings.
To customize task settings:
- Configure the following settings:
- Task name: Enter a task name.
- Backup destination: Choose a shared folder from the drop-down menu.
- Backup list: Click Edit to select backup objects. You can use the magnifying glass icon in the search bar to specify the target account types.
- Enable Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal: Choose whether or not to let users restore data on their own.
- Specify the account types and the backup scope for auto-discovery, which will automatically include new objects into the backup task. This also applies to users updated to an applicable account type. (Learn more)
- Set up backup and retention policies:
- Backup policy:
- Continuous backup: Based on the API request rate detected from the last backup, backup intervals will be dynamically adjusted from one to ten minutes.
- Manual backup: Data will be backed up when you manually run the task.
- Scheduled backup: Data will be backed up based on the schedule you set.
- Retention policy:
- Keep all versions
- Keep previous versions for specified number of days: When a new version is available, the previous version will be preserved for the retention period you set, which has to be between one and 3,650 days.
For example, when the first backup version is generated on Jan. 1 and the second one on Oct. 1, if the retention period of the task is set to 30 days, it starts from Oct. 1 and ends on Oct. 30. Therefore, the first version will be deleted on Oct. 31.
- Backup policy:
- Check the task summary and click Apply to finish the task creation.
About auto-discovery:
- With auto-discovery enabled, new sites, teams, or the specified services of new users/groups will be automatically backed up. You can include or exclude certain objects by manually selecting or deselecting them on the backup list.
- Auto-discovery will update the newly created objects from the Microsoft server within 24 hours.
- All account types are selected by default and the Licensed account cannot be unchecked.
- Users of an unselected account type will still show up on the backup list, but will not be selected for backup. You can manually enable them for backup if needed.
- When any of the group services is enabled on the backup list, all group members' corresponding data will be backed up. New members will be automatically added to the backup list while deleted users will be removed from the backup list. You do not need to add or remove users by yourself.
Relink Backup Tasks
To relink a backup task:
- Go to the Task List and click Create to launch the Task Creation Wizard.
- Select Relink an existing backup task and click Next.
- Select the task you wish to relink and click Apply.
- Once the task is relinked, it will appear on the Task List.
- Tasks deleted in versions earlier than 2.2.1 cannot be relinked.
Manage Backup Tasks
On the Task List, you can manage all the tasks using the upper toolbar.
To manage a backup task:
- Select the backup task you wish to edit and click Edit.
- At the General tab, you can perform the following:
- View the Microsoft 365 endpoint, domain administrator email address, and SharePoint domain name.
- Modify the task name.
- Enable or disable the Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal.
- Manage the Azure AD application used for the task.
- At the Auto-Discovery Service tab, you can specify the applicable account types or edit the target services.
- At the Policy tab, you can configure backup and retention policies.
To edit users to back up:
- Select a backup task and click Edit > User.
- You can click Update Microsoft 365 User List to load the latest list.
- Use the magnifying glass icon in the search bar to specify the target account types. You can click Reset to clear the criteria.
- Tick the checkboxes of the users or services you wish to back up.
To edit groups to back up:
- Select a backup task and click Edit > Group.
- You can click Update Group List to load the latest list.
- Filter different group types using the drop-down menu.
- Tick the checkboxes of the groups or services you wish to back up.
Limitation: Private groups without any owners and members cannot be backed up.
To edit sites to back up:
- Select a backup task and click Edit > SharePoint.
- You can click Update Site List to load the latest list.
- Select Site or Personal Site from the drop-down menu.
- Tick the checkboxes of the sites to back up.
To edit teams to back up:
Important: Team data belongs to sensitive data, which needs additional validation. For the first-time backup of teams, you will be required to apply for data access to Microsoft Teams.
- Select a backup task and click Edit > Teams.
- You can click Update Team List to load the latest list.
- Tick the checkboxes of the teams to back up.
To delete a task:
- Select a backup task and click More > Delete task.
- Choose whether or not to also delete the backup data.
- Click Delete.
To free up space using Storage Management:
- Select a backup task and click More > Storage Management.
- Switch to the corresponding tabs. Select the target users, groups, sites, or teams and click Delete.
- Do the following according to the object type:
- Users: Specify the service types to delete.
- Microsoft 365 groups: Specify the service types to delete and choose whether or not to delete the member data.
- Security/Distribution list/Mail-enabled security groups: Group member data will be deleted. Check the notes before ticking the confirmation checkbox.
- Sites: Confirm the sites to delete.
- Teams: Confirm the teams to delete.
- Click Delete to start the deletion. Deleted data will be removed from the backup list.
Configure package settings
On the Settings page, you can set up concurrent backup limits and delegate user privileges.
You can restrict the bandwidth consumption of backup jobs by setting a limit to concurrent backups. The actual maximum number depends on the RAM capacity of your Synology NAS.
To specify the maximum number of accounts or files for concurrent backups:
- Go to Settings > General.
- Enter the maximum number of accounts or files to back up simultaneously. The allowed value ranges from 5 to 60.
The maximum values based on the RAM capacity are:- 2 GB or less: 20
- 2 GB - 4 GB: 40
- 4 GB - 16 GB: 50
- 16 GB or more: 60
- Click Apply to save the settings.
User Delegation
You can delegate management or operation privileges to non-admin users, allowing them to back up, restore, or delete data. Doing this can help ease the administrative burden and enhance the management efficiency.
To delegate privileges to one or more users:
- On the User Delegation tab, click Add.
- Select one or more users from the User drop-down menu. You can search for users by keyword.
- Choose between Manager and Operator.
- Managers have full package privileges.
- Operators can be assigned specific privileges. Refer to the following table for details:
Privileges Sub-Privileges Backup - Has access to the admin console
- Can create and edit backup tasks
- Can relink backup tasks
- Can trigger and cancel backups
- Can view backup details
- Can modify package settings
- Can delete data
- Delete backup tasks
- Delete backup data through Storage Management
Restore - Has access to the recovery portal
- Can restore backup data for all users and sites
- Can preview and export data
- Preview content
- Export data to local devices
- Can change restore destination
- Restore data to another user account or site
- Click Add to finish the settings.
To edit user privileges:
- Select one or more users and click Edit to modify their privileges.
- Click Save to update the settings.
To remove user privileges:
- Select one or more users and click Remove.
- Confirm the action by clicking Remove.
View Task Information
On the Overview page, you can monitor the following information:
- Protected Service: The number of objects protected in each service.
- Backup Summary: The summary of all the backup activities in the past 35 days, including the backup status and the number of backup activities on each day. Check detailed logs by clicking on any of the following status icons:
- No backup history
- Upcoming backup
- Success
- Warning
- Error
- Activities: Current backup and restoration activities. You will be redirected to the Activities page when clicking on the arrow icon in the upper-right corner.
- Log: Recent logs. You will be redirected to the Log page when clicking on the arrow icon in the upper-right corner.
- Service Usage: The total storage space consumed by each service.
- Usage: The amount of storage space consumed by the users, groups, sites, or teams that have used the most capacity.
- Transferred Size: The transferred size of each task displayed by Day/Hour.
Task List
On the Task List page, you can see a list of all the backup tasks along with the following statuses:
- Successfully completed: All items are backed up.
- Completed with skipped items: The backup is complete but some items cannot be backed up. Click Attention to check the details.
- Canceled: The backup is canceled by an administrator.
- Failed: No items are backed up.
You can expand a task to find the following information:
- Tasks that are currently running: The elapsed time and backup items along with the usage consumption and statuses.
- Tasks that are complete: The last backup time, task results, and backup items along with the usage consumption and statuses.
On the menu of each backup task, you may see the following icons:
- Success
- Warning
- Error
- No items selected for backup
- Preparing for backup
- Ready for backup
You can perform the following on the Activities page:
- Monitor current backups and restorations:
- Backups: The backup policy, elapsed time, and progress of each running backup.
- Restorations: The elapsed time and progress of each running restoration as well as the account that executes a restoration.
- Quit a running task by clicking Cancel. Note that any tasks with the continuous backup policy applied cannot be canceled.
The Log page helps you keep track of backup tasks. You can view all the logs or use filters to search for the logs of a certain task.
To search through log records with a filter:
- Click the magnifying glass icon in the search bar on the upper right.
- From the drop-down menu, filter events by:
- Keyword: Enter the keyword you wish to search for.
- Category: Select the category of the events you wish to view.
- Level: Select the level of the events you wish to view.
- Date: Enter a start and end date to find logs created within a specific period.
- Click Reset to reset the filter.
To view log details:
Select a log and click the arrow icon on the right-hand side to view the detailed logs.
- For a backup activity, you can view the following information in the pop-up window:
- Status: The duration, transferred size, and status of each object. Select an object type from the drop-down menu to view the statuses.
- Log: Detailed logs about each service. Select a service from the drop-down menu to view the logs.
- For a restoration activity, you can view the following information in the pop-up window:
- Restore Information: The source and destination account, duration, transferred size, etc.
- Log: Detailed logs about the restoration process.
To export logs:
Click Export on the upper bar to download all the logs into a CSV file. If you want to export logs that match a specific condition, click the magnifier icon in the search bar to set the criteria.
Detailed Task Information
To view the statuses and logs of a task:
- Select a backup task from the Task List and click Details.
- In the Details window, you can view the following information:
- Status: The last backup time and status of each backup object. Select an object type from the drop-down menu to view the statuses.
Objects with a blue dot on the left-hand side are the ones that have been processed in the latest backup run. - Log: Detailed logs about the service selected from the drop-down menu.
- Status: The last backup time and status of each backup object. Select an object type from the drop-down menu to view the statuses.
- The definition of each account status is as follows:
- Successful: All items are backed up.
- Partially successful: Not all but at least one item is backed up.
- Failed: No items are backed up.
- You can click on account status to view the backup status of each service:
- Successful: All service items are backed up.
- Partially successful: Not all but at least one service item is backed up.
- Failed: No service items are backed up.
Manage Notification Services
To enable notification services:
Go to DSM > Control Panel > Notification to configure the settings for the selected method: emails, SMS, or push services.
To manage events for notification:
Go to DSM > Control Panel > Notification > Advanced to configure the settings for the events you wish to be notified of.
By default, you will receive desktop notifications whenever a backup completes, fails, or is canceled. The only exception is that you won't receive notifications when a continuous backup completes, in case constant notifications might distract you from important issues.
Some objects are not backup-compatible or will not be backed up under certain circumstances. The following lists the Microsoft 365 objects that cannot be backed up:
- Files and folders with names or paths that contain "#SynoVersionRepo", "#SynoRepo", or "#SynoVersions"
- Files and folders with DSM paths longer than 4,016 characters
- Files and folders with names that exceed 255 characters on the backup destination
- Files and folders with names that exceed 143 characters on an encrypted backup destination
- Files and folders stored in Shared with me
- Public folder mailboxes and on-premises Exchange mailboxes
Refer to the table below for details:Mailbox type Support status User mailbox O Shared mailbox O Archive mailbox O Resource mailbox O Site mailbox O Public folder mailbox X On-premises Exchange mailbox X - To Do in Outlook
- Reference attachments: Links to folders or files on OneDrive for Business or other supported storage locations. These are often attached to events, messages, Outlook tasks, or posts
- Mails in the Deleted folder when there are any contacts or calendars within the folder
- Notes
- All contacts other than Your contacts (for example: folder structures, Groups, and Directory)
- Contact lists in Outlook People
- Contacts in the Deleted folder
- Calendar events earlier than 1970/01/01 or after 2070/01/01
- Calendar folder structures: All calendars will be shown under the All Calendar folder
- Calendars in the Deleted folder
- Calendar events shared from other calendars
- Permission settings of SharePoint sites, while those of document libraries can be backed up
- Unsearchable SharePoint sites (How to make a site searchable)
- Two types of columns: Lookup and Person or Group
- Survey Options in surveys
- User interface elements in a non-default language on SharePoint sites, including titles and descriptions of sites, lists, and columns
- The following settings of lists and document libraries:
- Document Version History (document library only)
- Item Version History (list only)
- Document Template (document library only)
- Opening Documents in the Browser (document library only)
- Custom Send to Destination (document library only)
- Site Assets Library (document library only)
- Dialogs
- Automatic Index Management
- Validation Settings
- Audience Targeting Settings
- Rating Settings
- RSS Settings
- Content Types
- The following settings of public teams and channels:
- Team pictures
- Team codes
- Tags
- Apps that are not stored in SharePoint (e.g., Survey)
- Analytics
- Private channel settings
- 1-on-1 chat
- Teams in Microsoft 365 operated by 21Vianet
- Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal needs to be enabled on the admin console for users to restore data by themselves. To allow specific users to access the portal, go to Control Panel > Privileges, select Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal, and click Edit to give permissions.
- Only users with admin privileges can cancel other users' restorations on the admin console.
- If you wish to copy the backup data to a remote server, use Snapshot Replication to create a replication task for the folder that stores the backup data. Do not use Hyper Backup or manually move the data. Otherwise, data such as extended attributes may be missing.
- Block-level deduplication is supported for shared folders on Btrfs volumes with the exception of encrypted shared folders. Single instancing is supported for shared folders on both Btrfs and ext4 volumes.
The following table lists whether the two approaches are implemented on each type of data:Single instancing Block-level deduplication OneDrive O O Mail Attachment only X Contacts X X Calendar Attachment only X SharePoint Document library and attachment only Document library and attachment only Teams X X - OneDrive document libraries of personal sites are backed up under the category of OneDrive rather than SharePoint.
- The following endpoints are supported: Microsoft 365 and Microsoft 365 operated by 21Vianet
- The following plans are supported: Business, Enterprise, Education, and Exchange Online
- The following file types are supported for content search:
- .pages/.key/.numbers
- .rtf
- Microsoft Office formats (e.g., .docx/.doc; .pptx/.ppt), except for Microsoft Excel file formats (.xlsx/.xls/.xlsm/.xltx/.xltm/.xlt/.ods/.ots)
- Text files (e.g., .cpp/.c/.txt)
- .epub
- .lit
- .mobi/.azw3/.pdb/.prc
- .rar
- .chm
- .slk/.gnumeric
- .eml/.msg
- .7z/.bz2/.gz/.zip/.tgz/.tbz/.tar
- The following variables are not supported for content search:
- Stop words, regardless of case: "a", "an", "and", "are", "as", "at", "be", "but", "by", "for", "if", "in", "into", "is", "it", "no", "not", "of", "on", "or", "such", "that", "the", "their", "then", "there", "these", "they", "this", "to", "was", "will", and "with"
- Symbols such as "@", "#", "*", "/", and "\"
- Punctuation marks such as "!", "?", and ":"
- Emojis
- Dates such as Birthday and Anniversary in Contacts
- Dates or number properties in SharePoint sites
- Synology Universal Search operators:
[X] and [Y] are variables that may represent numbers, alphabetical letters, word segments, words, or phrases. Operator Example Description * [X]* - Finds matches that contain [X], and [X] is followed by none or at least one random character (represented as "*").
? ?[X]
[X]?- Finds matches that contain [X], and [X] is preceded or followed by a random character (represented as "?").
"" "[X][Y]" - Finds matches that contain the exact and case-insensitive [X][Y].
&& [X] && [Y] - Finds matches that contain both [X] and [Y].
|| [X] || [Y] - Finds matches that contain [X], [Y], or both.
- Matches that contain both [X] and [Y] will be listed on the top.
+ +[X] - Finds matches that contain [X].
- This applies to folders indexed at Preferences > File Indexing.
- -[X] - Finds matches that do not contain [X].
- This applies to folders indexed at Preferences > File Indexing.
! ![X] - Finds matches that do not contain [X].
- This applies to folders indexed at Preferences > File Indexing.
\ \[SpecialCharacter] - Finds matches that contain any of the following special characters: + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \