WebDAV Server

WebDAV is an extension of the HTTP protocol that allows users to remotely explore data on your Synology NAS.

Configuring WebDAV Server

To enable WebDAV connections:

  1. Launch WebDAV Server.
  2. Go to Settings > HTTP/HTTPS.
  3. Select Enable HTTP and Enable HTTPS. By default, the HTTP port is 5005, and the HTTPS port is 5006. You can customize the port number according to your needs.
  4. Click Apply.

To configure advanced settings:

You can configure the following settings at Settings > Advanced Settings:

  • Enable Anonymous WebDAV: This allows clients to access shared folders using an "anonymous" username when connecting via WebDAV. To enable this function, you also need to configure the following at Control Panel > Shared Folder:
    1. Select the target shared folder and click Edit.
    2. Go to Permissions and select System internal user from the drop-down menu.
    3. Assign Anonymous FTP/Presto/WebDAV users access permissions.
  • Enable DavDepthInfinity: This allows users to access or delete files without file path length restrictions on client devices.
  • Customize maximum concurrent HTTP connections: Adjust the maximum number of concurrent HTTP connections to your preference. The default setting is 150.
  • Enable WebDAV log: This will record events related to WebDAV activities. You will be redirected to Log Center when clicking View Logs.

To set up a speed limit:

Control bandwidth usage for file transfers via WebDAV by setting up speed limits for users and groups.

Refer to the following speed limit policies for users and groups:

  • No speed limit
  • Enable speed limit: This applies speed limits to users or groups. Click Speed Limit Settings to set up specific speed limits.
  • Enable speed limit according to a schedule: This applies speed limits based on a defined schedule.

After selecting a speed limit policy, you can customize speed limit settings for a specific user or group by following these steps:

  1. Click Speed Limit Settings to launch the configuration window.
  2. Users and groups from different account types are listed in separate tabs. Click on the target user or group to configure the settings.
  3. Select one of the following options from the Speed limit column for each user and group:
    • Apply group settings (user only): The speed limit for the user will be based on the settings of the group they belong to.
    • None (group only): No speed limits will be applied when group members transfer files.
    • Set up speed cap: A fixed and constant speed limit will be applied to the user or group members. Specify upload and download speed limits in the provided fields.
    • Advanced settings: After selecting this option from the drop-down menu, click Customize to start the configuration. In the pop-up window, you can specify two types of speed limits and schedule them for the selected user or group. You can also apply group settings to a user or apply no limits to a group.
  4. Click Save.


  • For more information on group speed limits, refer to Edit a Group.
  • When you set up a speed limit for a user, the Result column displays the user's actual speed limit according to their individual and group settings.

Using WebDAV with Different Operating Systems

Once WebDAV has been enabled on your Synology NAS, refer to the following instructions to access files from Windows, macOS, Linux devices.


  • Use HTTPS if your device runs iOS 12 or above.
  • When connecting via WebDAV services, we suggest using a WebDAV client with UTF-8 support to avoid encoding errors.

For Windows

For Windows users who want to access files stored on a Synology NAS via the WebDAV protocol, we recommend using RaiDrive, a drive mapping application that is free for non-commercial use. Other WebDAV client applications are also available online.


  • To use Windows' Map Network Drive to access files on your Synology NAS via WebDAV, you must get a valid SSL certificate and access the Synology NAS via an HTTPS connection. When using the WebDAV service in the Windows environment, sign out of the Windows system before switching to another user account.

For macOS

For macOS users, you can connect to your Synology NAS via WebDAV using Finder.

  1. Go to Finder > Connect to Server.
  2. In Server Address, enter your Synology NAS IP address or domain name preceded by "http://" and followed with ":5005" (or the port number specified when enabling the WebDAV service). For example: "http://pm.synology.com:5005/".
  3. Enter your credentials.
  4. Click Connect.


  • WebDAV supports Bonjour broadcast.

For Linux

For Ubuntu or other Linux users, refer to the following instructions to access files on your Synology NAS via WebDAV.

To use WebDAV on Ubuntu:

  1. Click Places > Connect to server.
  2. Select WebDAV (HTTP) or WebDAV (HTTPS) from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the information required and click Connect.
  4. Enter your password and click Connect.

To use WebDAV via a Linux command line:

If you want to use a command line, you can use cadaver, a command-line WebDAV client.

Viewing Previous Calendars

WebDAV Server's calendar feature has been replaced by Synology Calendar. While existing calendars remain viewable after the update, new calendars can't be added and existing calendars will stop syncing with your CalDAV clients. Learn how to migrate your calendars to Synology Calendar.

To view the calendars:

  1. Go to the Calendar page.
  2. Click View calendar list to open the list.
Configuring WebDAV Server
Using WebDAV with Different Operating Systems
For Windows
For macOS
For Linux
Viewing Previous Calendars