License & Account


On the License page, you can add the purchased licenses to increase the user limit. Learn more about Synology MailPlus License Pack.

To add a license key:

  1. Click Add License.
  2. To continue the process, you must confirm your agreement to the terms and conditions.
  3. Make sure the network connection is stable and sign in to your Synology Account.
  4. Choose either of the following options:
    • Enter an existing license key
    • Buy now
  5. Follow the wizard to finish the settings. Once the license is successfully added, Synology MailPlus Server will automatically update the user limit.

To understand the licensing conditions:

If your email system is detected to conduct any of the following activities, the operations on the MailPlus Server interface will be restricted along with the security-related services suspended until you have enough valid license keys:

  • Using an illegal license
  • Using an expired license, resulting in the authorized user number being outnumbered by the currently activated users
  • Activating more users than the authorized number


  • MailPlus Server will sync the license status with your Synology Account. You can also sign in to your Synology Account to check the license status.
  • You can check the license status on either server in a high-availability environment. However, it is recommended that you manage licenses only on the primary server to keep the consistency of license status.


On the Account page, you can select email service users, manage usage quota, and set the policy for a specific user or group. Also, you can set up a delegation policy to grant administrative privileges to other users.

To activate email services for users/groups:

Select email service users. You can further customize the mailbox storage quota and remove the data of the deactivated users to manage the growth of the server databases.

  1. Go to Account > User/Group to activate email service users.
  2. Select the target user or group and click Set Quota to configure the following settings:
    • MailPlus quota: Specify the mailbox size limit.
    • Remaining capacity notification: Specify the warning threshold to remind users that their mailboxes are approaching the storage limit.
  3. Save the settings.
  4. Click the document icon in the Info column to check the settings.
  5. For users with a deactivated license (e.g., former employees), you can select them and click Clear Data to remove all their emails and personal settings.

To configure the default settings:

Set up the default settings for all unspecified users and groups to save the effort of configuring each user and group one by one.

  1. Go to Account > Settings to configure the following settings:
    • Activate all users by default: Tick to make email services available to those without any specified status in the User and Group tabs.
    • Enable default user quota: Tick to automatically apply a set quota to those without individual quota and not belonging to any quota-restricted groups. Specify the mailbox quota and the warning threshold in the fields below.
  2. Save the settings.


  • Email service activation/deactivation is applied in the following order of priority: User > Group > Settings.
  • When Activate all users by default is not ticked, email services will not be available to those without any specified status in the User and Group tabs.

To set up user policies:

Set up user policies for specific users or groups to regulate their access to email services and limit their traffic usage.

  1. Go to Account > User Policy.
  2. Click Add (the plus icon) on the top bar.
  3. In the pop-up window, enter a policy name and select a color for easy identification.
  4. Under Mail Delivery, configure the following rules:
    Rule Yes No By domain
    Disable auto forwarding Users cannot auto-forward emails. Users can auto-forward emails. Policies will follow the domain settings.
    Rule Value No value
    Daily sending quota (number) Set the maximum number of total messages that can be sent per day. Policies will follow the domain settings.
    Daily outbound traffic (MB) Set a size limit for the total messages sent per day. Policies will follow the domain settings.
    Single attachment size (MB) Set the maximum size of a single email attachment. Policies will follow the domain settings.

    Note that the above rules will override the user's original domain settings if there is any conflict in settings.

    Rule Yes No
    Send mail to internal users only Users will be restricted to sending emails to internal users only. Users will not be restricted to sending emails to internal users only.
  5. Under Service, configure the following rules:
    Rule Yes No
    Enable IMAP Users will be allowed to use IMAP. Client access via IMAP will be prohibited.
    Allow login only from LAN via IMAP Users can only sign in from a subdomain via IMAP. Users will have no restrictions on MailPlus login.
    Enable POP3 Users will be allowed to use POP3. Client access via POP3 will be prohibited.
    Allow login only from LAN via POP3 Users can only sign in from a subdomain via POP3. Users will have no restrictions on MailPlus login.
    Enable full-text search The server will index email content. The server will not index email content.
  6. Switch to the Target User tab and select the users or the groups to apply the policy to.
  7. Save the settings.
  8. The created policy will appear on the list.


  • You can go to Service > Protocol > Full-Text Search to enable the search function.
  • If you have disabled IMAP or POP3 on the Service page, users will still not be able to sign in even if IMAP or POP3 is enabled by the User Policy.

To manage user policies:

Select a user policy to perform the following actions with the upper toolbar:

  • View the policy content: The policy content will be displayed on the right panel.
  • Edit the policy content: Click the pencil icon.
  • Delete a user policy: Click the trash can icon.
  • Expand/Collapse a policy: Click the double triangle icon to show or hide its target users or groups.
  • Change the policy priority: Click the two-way arrow icon or drag and drop the policy to a suitable position. When a user/group is governed by more than one policy, the highest policy takes priority over the lower ones.
  • Search a user policy: Enter keywords in the top search bar.


  • The Default policy reflects the current status of related settings and applies to users/groups that are not regulated by any custom policy. It cannot be edited, deleted, or re-prioritized.

To set up delegation policies:

Delegate other users to manage settings (except for License) of MailPlus Server to ease the administrative burden.

Note that DSM administrators can manage all MailPlus Server settings. The delegation policy will not affect their administrative rights.

  1. Go to Account > Delegation.
  2. Click Add (the plus icon) on the top bar.
  3. In the pop-up window, enter the following information:
    • Name: Enter a name for the policy.
    • Color: Select a color to mark the policy.
    • Delegation profile: Select a delegation profile to grant the corresponding management privileges.
      When you select Domain manager, System administrator, Domain assistant, or System monitor, the system will automatically enable the options below based on the default settings. It will switch to Custom when you tick or untick any options.
      Refer to the following table to know the delegated permissions of each option:
      Section Option Delegated permissions
      Server Management Mail Monitor Server Management > Mail Monitor
      Server List Server Management > Server List
      Mail Migration Server Management > Mail Migration
      Configuration Import Server Management > Configuration Import
      Threat Monitor Threat Monitor
      Protocol Service > Protocol
      Mail Delivery Mail Delivery > General/Delivery/Relay Control
      MailPlus Client Service > MailPlus Client
      Domain General Domain > Edit > General
      User/Group Domain > Edit > User/Group
      Alias Domain > Edit > Alias
      Auto BCC Domain > Edit > Auto BCC
      Quota Usage Domain > Edit > Usage Limit
      Disclaimer Domain > Edit > Disclaimer
      Security Mail Delivery Security Mail Delivery > Security
      Security Security > Antispam/Antivirus/Content Scan
      Authentication Security > Authentication
      Data Protection Security > Data Protection
      Auditing Queue Queue
      Log Auditing > Log
      Usage Analysis Auditing > Usage Analysis
      Log Management Auditing > Log Management
      Log List Auditing > Log List
      Report Auditing > Report
      Mail Search Auditing > Mail Search
      Account Account Account > User/Group/Settings
      User Policy Account > User Policy
      Delegation Account > Delegation
  4. Switch to the Target User tab and select the users or groups to apply the policy to.
  5. Save the settings. The delegation policy will appear on the right of the panel.

To manage delegation policies:

Select a policy to perform the following actions with the upper toolbar:

  • View the policy content: The policy will be displayed on the right panel.
  • Edit the policy content: Click the pencil icon.
  • Delete the policy: Click the trash can icon.
  • Expand/Collapse a policy: Click the double triangle icon to show or hide its target users or groups.
  • Change the policy priority: Click the two-way arrow icon or drag and drop the policy to a suitable position. If a user/group is governed by more than one policy, the highest policy takes priority over the lower ones.
  • Search a delegation policy: Enter the policy name or its users in the top search bar.