Set up Server/Kad
Click Server/Kad on the left panel to set up Server/Kad. An ED2K server contains information about resources on the ED2K network. To search and download ED2K resources, it is necessary to connect to a server.
To add an ED2K server:
- Click the Add button.
Choose any of the following:
- Server IP: Enter the IP address and port of the server.
- ED2K Link: Enter the ED2K link. (e.g. ed2k://|server|IP|port|/)
- Update server.met from URL: Enter the URL of the server.met file (e.g.
- Click Add.
To delete ED2K servers:
Select the servers from the list and click the Delete button.
To connect to a random ED2K server:
- Click Connect/Disconnect server without having a server selected.
- Wait for the server to be connected.
To connect to a specific ED2K server:
- Select a server from the server list.
- Click Connect/Disconnect server.
- Wait for the server to be connected. When the selected server is full or has an invalid IP address, the system will randomly connect to an available server.