Set up Server/Kad

Click Server/Kad on the left panel to set up Server/Kad. An ED2K server contains information about resources on the ED2K network. To search and download ED2K resources, it is necessary to connect to a server.

To add an ED2K server:

  1. Click the Add button.
  2. Choose any of the following:
    • Server IP: Enter the IP address and port of the server.
    • ED2K Link: Enter the ED2K link. (e.g. ed2k://|server|IP|port|/)
    • Update server.met from URL: Enter the URL of the server.met file (e.g.
  3. Click Add.

To delete ED2K servers:

Select the servers from the list and click the Delete button.

To connect to a random ED2K server:

  1. Click Connect/Disconnect server without having a server selected.
  2. Wait for the server to be connected.

To connect to a specific ED2K server:

  1. Select a server from the server list.
  2. Click Connect/Disconnect server.
  3. Wait for the server to be connected. When the selected server is full or has an invalid IP address, the system will randomly connect to an available server.