Enable Recycle Bin
When you create a shared folder, the Enable Recycle Bin is ticked by default. When this option is enabled, a subfolder is created to store deleted files. You can retrieve deleted files from the Recycle Bin, or remove files permanently.
To enable Recycle Bin for a shared folder:
- Go to Control Panel > Shared Folder. Select a shared folder and click Edit.
- Tick the Enable Recycle Bin checkbox.
- Tick Restrict access to administrators only if you want Recycle Bin to be accessible for administrators only.
- Click OK to save the settings.
To empty Recycle Bin for a shared folder:
- Go to Control Panel > Shared Folder. Select a shared folder and click Edit.
- Click the Empty Recycle Bin button to remove all deleted files in the recycle bin permanently.
To empty all Recycle Bins:
- Go to Control Panel > Shared Folder.
- Click Action > Empty all Recycle Bins to remove deleted files in all recycle bins permanently.
- You can configure the privilege settings of the Recycle Bin folder. Go to File Station, select a shared folder, right-click on the #recycle folder, choose Properties, and click on the Permission tab.