Enable Recycle Bin

When you create a shared folder, the Enable Recycle Bin is ticked by default. When this option is enabled, a subfolder is created to store deleted files. You can retrieve deleted files from the Recycle Bin, or remove files permanently.

To enable Recycle Bin for a shared folder:

  1. Go to Control Panel > Shared Folder. Select a shared folder and click Edit.
  2. Tick the Enable Recycle Bin checkbox.
  3. Tick Restrict access to administrators only if you want Recycle Bin to be accessible for administrators only.
  4. Click OK to save the settings.

To empty Recycle Bin for a shared folder:

  1. Go to Control Panel > Shared Folder. Select a shared folder and click Edit.
  2. Click the Empty Recycle Bin button to remove all deleted files in the recycle bin permanently.

To empty all Recycle Bins:

  1. Go to Control Panel > Shared Folder.
  2. Click Action > Empty all Recycle Bins to remove deleted files in all recycle bins permanently.


  • You can configure the privilege settings of the Recycle Bin folder. Go to File Station, select a shared folder, right-click on the #recycle folder, choose Properties, and click on the Permission tab.