Synology Chat Admin Console

You can manage configurations and channel messages from the Chat Admin Console. Sign in to DSM as an administrator and launch Synology Chat Admin Console from the Main Menu.

Configure general settings

In Settings, you will see the following sections:


  • Allow encrypted channels: Enable encryption in Chat.
  • Allow uploads from Synology NAS: Enable file sharing from shared folders on your Synology NAS.
  • Allow the insertion of file links from Synology Drive: Allow users to insert file links from Synology Drive.
  • Disable Google Safe Browsing from checking URLs: Turn off warnings about unsafe websites.
  • Max upload size per file: Set the size limit for file upload. 0 means unlimited.
  • Account type: Switch the user type of Chat.
  • Auto-add users: Automatically add users to Chat right after they're given the application privileges. If this option is disabled, new users will be added to Chat upon login.

Message Modification

  • Allow users to edit or delete messages: Allow editing or deleting all messages or messages sent in the last 24 hours. This option is enabled and set to Sent in the last 24 hours by default.


  • Enable Auto-deletion: Choose whether or not to enable the function and set up a retention period to delete old data outside the specified time period.


  • Allow guest users: Choose whether or not to enable the function and assign a Guest Manager to manage all the guest accounts.


  • Use nickname instead of username in push notifications: Display nicknames in all push notifications.
  • Choose when to send a notification from the drop-down menu.

View logs

There are two types of logs in Chat. The Operation log records all behaviors of general users, whereas the Audit log records all Lookup operations performed by administrators.

  • Switch between the Operation log and Audit log from the drop-down menu.
  • Click Export to export logs for future reference.
  • Type a keyword into the search bar to find a specific log.


  • If you use the search function before clicking Export, the exported logs will depend on your search result.

Perform Lookup to manage messages

Administrators can use the Lookup feature to audit unencrypted messages from all users, except for the messages in My Space.

Go to the Lookup page and use the search function to find the messages you want. Search operators are the same as those used in Chat.

  • To hide or delete a certain message, hover over the message and select the Hide message from user or the Delete message icon in the upper right corner.
  • To delete all the messages found, click the trash can icon in the upper right corner of Search Results.


  • All the search and delete actions performed by administrators will be recorded in the Audit log.
  • When an administrator hides a message, the message will be hidden on all users' devices and be only available in Chat Admin Console. This action cannot be undone.

Manage channels

Channel Management let administrators hide, show, or close channels.

Go to the Channel Management page and select a channel type from System channel, Public channel, and Private channel.

  • For a System channel, you can choose whether to Hide or Show a channel.
  • For a Public channel or Private channel, you can delete a channel by clicking Close channel.
Configure general settings
View logs
Perform Lookup to manage messages
Manage channels