Protecting A Range or Sheet
If you want to prevent others from changing the content of a spreadsheet, you can protect a range or a certain spreadsheet. Please note that this should not be used as a security measure. People can still view, copy, and export a protected spreadsheet.
- Only the owner of the spreadsheet and people with manage permission can create a protection rule and are not limited by protection rules.
- Only the owner of the spreadsheet, the people with manage permission and the creator of the rule can edit or delete a protection rule.
- People who inherit manage permissions via Windows ACL are able to create, edit, or delete a protection rule and are not limited by protection rules.
Managing rules and permissions
To create or edit a rule for a range:
- Open a spreadsheet.
- Click the Data menu > Protected sheets and ranges, a list of protection rules will show on the right-hand side.
- Click the Add a sheet or range button or double-click an existing protection rule to edit.
- Enter a description in the field.
- Enter a range by typing or clicking the spreadsheet icon on the right to select a range with your mouse.
- Click OK.
To create or edit a rule for a sheet:
- Open a spreadsheet.
- Click the Data menu > Protected sheets and ranges, a list of protection rules will show on the right-hand side.
- Click the Add a sheet or range button or double-click an existing protection rule to edit.
- Enter a description in the field.
- Select a sheet.
- You can tick the Except certain cells checkbox and then click Add another range to exclude certain cells from this rule.
- Enter a range by typing or clicking the spreadsheet icon on the right to select a range with your mouse.
- Click OK.
To set permissions for a range or sheet:
The default setting is that anyone can edit the protected range. You can set edit permissions for a range or sheet.
- When adding or editing rules, click the Set permissions button to edit permissions for a range or sheet.
- Choose one of the following options:
- Show a warning when editing this range: A window will pop up when people are editing the protected cells to confirm whether they really want to make an edit. This does not block them from editing.
- Restrict who can edit this range: Only people or groups in the invitee list can edit the protected range.
- Click Save.
To delete a rule:
- Click the Data menu > Protected sheets and ranges, a list of protection rules will show on the right-hand side.
- Click the More icon in the upper right corner of a rule.
- Click Delete.