Share File Links
Files or folders stored on your Synology NAS can be shared quickly and easily. Simply right-click on a file or folder and select Share. This generates a link and QR code, which can be sent to friends or other users. Recipients can click on the link to download the selected file or folder, regardless of whether they have a DSM account.
To share file links:
- Do either of the following:
- Right-click on the files or folders you want to share and choose Share.
- Select the files or folders, click the Action drop-down menu at the top, and choose Share.
- In the window that appears, you can do the following:
- Link Settings
- Click the Copy link, Mail file link, or Get QR Code icons to share the shared link.
- Tick Enable secure sharing to set privacy for the shared link.
- Internal - DSM account login required: Share the link with DSM users or groups by selecting them from the Account drop-down list. Please note that you cannot share with the guest account and users group.
- Public - password protection: Share password-protected links with other people. Enter a Password for this shared link.
- Click the Create New Sharing Link button if you wish to update the shared link. This button only appears if you have created the shared link before.
- Advanced options
- Validity Period: Specify how long the shared link will remain valid. The link becomes invalid once it passes the specified period.
- Number of access allowed: Specify how many times a shared link can be accessed. The link becomes invalid once it reaches the specified times.
- Link Settings
To enable links:
- Go to Control Panel > External Access > QuickConnect and make sure Enable QuickConnect is ticked. If you have not set up QuickConnect, you can do so on this page.
- Next, click Advanced settings and make sure File sharing under Permission is ticked.
- Recipients without a DSM account can download the shared files by accessing the sharing link.
Customize Shared Link Page
You can add a background image, a logo, or a message to customize the shared link page.
- Click the Settings button > Shared Links > Custom.
- Tick Customize shared link page and click Custom settings.
- You can customize the shared link page in the following ways:
- Background: Click the thumbnail or + to choose a default wallpaper, an image on your Synology NAS, or a previously applied image.
- Logo: Click the thumbnail or + to upload an image (smaller than 1 MB), choose an image on your Synology NAS, or a previously applied image. The logo can be positioned in any of the four corners.
- Click Preview to see if the page appears as desired.
- Click Save to apply the settings.
- The customized settings are applied to all shared links regardless of when the links were created.
- For wallpapers or logos, you can only apply images in the following formats: .jpe, jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .gif, and .png
Managing Shared Links
You can manage existing shared links by clicking on the Tools drop-down menu and choose Shared Links Manager. In the window that appears, you can edit, delete, or share existing shared links.
- You can find the status of each shared link in the Status column.
- Valid: The shared link is working properly.
- Expired: The validity period of the shared link has expired.
- Broken: Either the shared file or folder no longer exists, or you do not possess proper privilege to access the file or folder.
- Not effective yet: The shared link has not become active yet.
Customize Shared Link Page
Managing Shared Links