Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal

Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal provides a platform for administrators and employees to restore data to the original tenant.

Access Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal

To customize the login portal:

Users with admin privileges can go to Control Panel > Login Portal > Applications > Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal. Click Edit to customize the login portal.

To access the portal:

  • For users with admin privileges: Go to Control Panel > Login Portal > Applications > Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal and click the link in the Alias field.
  • For users with or without admin privileges: Click Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal on the DSM main menu.

Browse Data for Restoration

To change your view role:

Select an account from the View Role menu. As an administrator, you can switch to any user's view to browse and restore data.

To select a task:

Select the backup task with the data you wish to restore from the Task menu.

To select a service type:

Click the Service icon and select the service you wish to restore. Archive mailboxes belong to the Mail category.

To view previous backups:

  1. Go to the timeline at the bottom of the page.
  2. To switch between backup versions, perform either of the following:
    • Click the Calendar icon on the upper left and select the date you wish to restore the backups from.
    • Click the right or left arrow to switch between versions.
  3. Drag the timeline to view previous backups.

Restore and Export Service Data

Restore and Export OneDrive

To restore folders or files:

  1. Click the upper-right Service icon and select OneDrive.
  2. Select the target files or folders and click Restore.
  3. Click Change if you wish to switch the user account to restore the data to.
  4. Select one of the following restoration policies:
    • New folder: Restore the items to a new folder.
    • Original folder (overwrite existing items): Restore the items to the original folder by overwriting existing items.
    • Original folder (skip existing items): Restore the items to the original folder without overwriting existing items.
  5. Choose whether or not to tick the checkbox of Restore share permissions.
  6. Click OK to start the restoration.

To export folders or files:

Select a file or folder and click Export to download the selected item to the local device.

Restore and Export Mails

To search for emails via content search:

  1. Click the upper-right Service icon and select Mail.
  2. Click the magnifying glass icon in the search bar on the upper right.
  3. In the drop-down window, you can filter emails by:
    • From: Enter the sender name.
    • To: Enter the recipient name.
    • Subject: Enter the email subject.
    • Keyword: Enter a keyword to search for emails where the content or attachment contains the keyword.
    • Date: Specify a start and end date to find emails created within a specific period.
    • With attachment: Tick the checkbox to search for emails with attachments.
  4. Click OK to start filtering emails.
  5. To reset the filter, click Reset. To remove the filter, click the arrow icon in the upper-left corner, and you will be redirected to the page where no filters are applied.

To restore emails within search results:

  1. Search and filter emails using the search bar.
  2. Select the emails you wish to restore. If you wish to restore all the emails in the search results, jump directly to the next step.
  3. Click Restore to open the drop-down menu and choose to restore the selected or all emails in the search results.
  4. Click Change if you wish to switch the user account to restore the emails to.
  5. Click OK to start the restoration.

To preview an email:

Double-click an email to preview the content. You can restore or export the email using the Restore/Export buttons on the top or download the attachment directly from the preview window by clicking on it.

To restore selected emails:

  1. Select the target emails.
  2. Click Restore to open the drop-down menu and choose to restore the selected emails.
  3. Click Change if you wish to switch the user account to restore the emails to.
  4. Select one of the following restoration policies:
    • New folder: Restore the emails to a new folder. (Not applicable to group mailboxes)
    • Original folder (overwrite existing emails): Restore the emails to the original folder by overwriting existing emails.
    • Original folder (skip existing emails): Restore the emails to the original folder without overwriting existing emails.
  5. Click OK to start the restoration.

To restore all emails within a folder:

  1. Select a mail folder.
  2. Click Restore to open the drop-down menu and choose to restore all emails in the folder.
  3. Click Change if you wish to switch the user account to restore the emails to.
  4. Select one of the following restoration policies:
    • New folder: Restore the mail folder to a new folder.
    • Original folder (overwrite existing emails): Restore the mail folder to the original folder by overwriting existing emails.
    • Original folder (skip existing emails): Restore the mail folder to the original folder without overwriting existing emails.
  5. Click OK to start the restoration.

To restore an entire mailbox:

  1. Click Restore and choose to restore the entire mailbox or archive mailbox from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Change if you wish to switch the user account to restore the emails to.
  3. Select one of the following restoration policies:
    • New folder: Restore the mailbox to a new folder. (Not applicable to a group mailbox)
    • Original folder (overwrite existing emails): Restore the mailbox to the original folder by overwriting existing emails.
    • Original folder (skip existing emails): Restore the mailbox to the original folder without overwriting existing emails.
  4. Click OK to start the restoration.

To export emails:

Export emails into an EML or PST file to your local device.

  • Single or multiple emails: Select the target emails and click Export to open the drop-down menu. Choose to export the selected emails.
  • Mail folders: Go to the target folder and click Export to open the drop-down menu. Choose to export all the emails in the folder.
  • Mailboxes: Go to the target mailbox and click Export to open the drop-down menu. Choose to export all the emails in the mailbox.

If the number of emails exceeds 1,000, the export task will be executed in the background. Check the task status by clicking the Restore/Export History icon in the upper-right corner, and then download the file when the status shows Ready to export.

Note that download links will expire after three days and that each file can only be downloaded once.

Restore and Export Contacts

To search for contacts:

  1. Click the upper-right Service icon and select Contacts.
  2. Enter a keyword in the search bar on the upper right to search for contacts.

To preview a contact:

Click the contact you wish to preview, and a panel will appear on the right-hand side to display the detailed information, such as the name, email address, phone number, job title, address, etc.

To restore contacts:

  1. Select the target contacts and click Restore.
  2. Click Change if you wish to switch the user account to restore the data to.
  3. Click OK to start the restoration.

To export contacts:

Select the contacts and click Export to download them in the CSV format to the local device.

Restore and Export Calendars

To search for calendar events:

  1. Click the upper-right Service icon and select Calendar.
  2. Enter a keyword in the search bar on the upper right to search for events.

To restore calendar events:

  1. Select the target calendar events and click Restore.
  2. Click Change if you wish to switch the user account to restore the data to.
  3. Click OK to start the restoration.

To restore group calendar events:

  1. Select the target calendar events and click Restore.
  2. Click Change if you wish to switch the user account to restore the data to.
  3. Select one of the following restoration policies:
    • Original folder (overwrite existing events): Restore the calendar events to the original folder by overwriting existing events. If an event is updated after the backup run, the updated version will be replaced by the backed-up version.
    • Original folder (skip existing events): Restore the calendar events to the original folder without overwriting existing events. If an event is updated after the backup run, the updated version will not be replaced by the backed-up version.
  4. Click OK to start the restoration.

To export calendar events:

Select the events and click Export to download them in the ICS format to the local device.

Restore and Export SharePoint

To search for sites:

  1. Click the upper-right Service icon and select SharePoint.
  2. Open the View Site menu and enter a keyword in the search bar on the upper right to search for sites.

To restore site items:

  1. Select the target site from the View Site menu.
  2. Tick the items you wish to restore and click Restore.
  3. Click Change if you wish to switch the account to restore the data to.
  4. Choose whether or not to tick the checkbox of Restore file sharing permission.
  5. Click OK to start the restoration.

To export document library items:

Select the items in a document library and click Export to download them to the local device.

Restore and Export Teams

To search for teams:

  1. Click the upper-right Service icon and select Teams.
  2. Open the View Team menu and enter a keyword in the search bar on the upper right to search for teams.

To restore backed-up data:

  1. Select the target team from the View Team menu.
  2. Select a channel on the left panel.
  3. Select the posts you wish to restore and click Restore. You can also restore the entire channel by choosing from the Restore menu.
  4. Select one of the following restoration policies:
    • New team and channel: Create a new team and channel to store the restored data.
    • Original team and channel: Restore the data to the original location.
  5. Choose whether or not to tick the checkbox of Restore settings such as members and permissions.
  6. Click OK to start the restoration.

To export posts:

Click Export to download the selected posts or all posts in a channel in the HTML format to the local device.


  • To allow specific users to access the Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal, go to Control Panel > Application Privileges, select Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal, and click Edit to give permissions.
  • Only Mail, Contacts, Calendar, and OneDrive data can be restored by users themselves.
  • Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal needs to be enabled on the admin console for users to restore data by themselves.
  • To allow users without admin privileges to access the Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal, the user accounts on Synology NAS have to match the accounts on Microsoft 365.
  • To let users with Microsoft 365 credentials access the Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal, integrate your Synology NAS with Microsoft Azure Active Directory Domain Services.
  • To customize the alias or the port for the Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal, go to Control Panel > Login Portal > Applications > Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal and click Edit.
  • The following three types of users have permission to switch view roles: DSM administrators, users delegated with restore privilege, and Microsoft 365 group owners.
  • Only Microsoft 365 group owners can restore group mailboxes and group calendars. Make sure you have selected the group account from the View Role menu before proceeding with the restoration.
  • The timestamps of restored emails vary by email type:
    • Sent emails: The timestamp reflects the time of restoration.
    • Received emails: The timestamp reflects the original time of receipt.
  • Due to a Microsoft limitation, restored OneNote notebooks cannot be opened online. You can use OneNote 2016 to open the notebooks.
  • Data cannot be restored under the following circumstances:
    • OneDrive:
      • Files named permission
    • Calendar:
      • Most nested attachments of item attachments. Only nested reference attachments in group calendars can be restored:
        Type User Calendar Group Calendar
        File Attachment X X
        Item Attachment X X
        Reference Attachment X O
    • SharePoint:
      • Folders and files with restoration paths longer than 400 characters
      • The following SharePoint lists can neither be browsed nor restored:
        List Template ID List Name
        101 SearchConfigListTemplate
        112 UserInformation
        113 WebPartCatalog
        114 ListTemplateCatalog
        116 MasterPageCatalog
        121 SolutionCatalog
        123 ThemeCatalog
        124 DesignCatalog
        125 AppDataCatalog
        126 AppFilesCatalog
        175 MaintenanceLogs
        301 Posts
        303 Categories
        550 SocialDataStoreList
        850 PageLibrary
        880 members
        925 abusereports
        1220 HealthRules
        1221 HealthReports
        4501 wfsvc
        10102 IWConvertedForms
Access Active Backup for Microsoft 365 Portal
Browse Data for Restoration
Restore and Export Service Data
Restore and Export OneDrive
Restore and Export Mails
Restore and Export Contacts
Restore and Export Calendars
Restore and Export SharePoint
Restore and Export Teams