Recording Server
A CMS host can manage recording servers running the same or lower Surveillance Station versions if the major and minor version numbers are the same. For example, CMS hosts in Surveillance Station 9.2.2 can manage recording servers running versions 9.2.0, 9.2.1, and 9.2.2.
On Host Server
When your server acts as the host server, you can manage recording servers in the Recording Server tab.
You can add, delete, edit, enable, disable, and lock/unlock recording servers, update the recording servers online or manually, and perform manual failover. This tab contains the following parts:
To add a recording server:
- Click Add.
- Select one or more servers to add. Add Server Wizard will automatically search for local servers configured as recording server. A recording server may display one of the following statuses:
- Available: The recording server’s version is compatible with the host server. It will connect to the host after being added.
- Update required: The recording server’s version is lower and incompatible with the host server. It will remain disconnected after being added. Update the recording server to a compatible version.
- Imcompatible: The recording server’s version is higher and incompatible with the host server. It will remain disconnected after being added. Update the host server to a compatible version.
- Added: The server is already paired with another CMS host server and cannot be added to a different host server.
- Locked: The recording server is locked and cannot be added to any host servers. Unlock it before pairing with a host server.
- If you do not see the server, click Add manually.
- Select the Connection type.
- For IP address or FQDN, enter the IP address and select the Port.
- For QuickConnect ID, enter the QuickConnect ID.
- To add more servers, click Add Server.
- Select the Connection type.
- Authenticate and configure your servers:
- Under Status, click Authenticate and enter the admin's credentials for the server.
You can also click Authenticate Batch to authenticate multiple servers. - To protect the servers from unexpected setting changes, click Set Permissions.
- Prevent other host servers from pairing with these recording servers: Locks these recording servers to the paired CMS host so that it cannot be added by other CMS hosts. This setting is enabled by default.
- Prevent users on these recording servers from editing the server settings: Restricts access to the settings of a recording server by preventing users from performing any operations after login. Admin or users belonging to the administrators group on the recording server will only have access to the Advanced page, where they can modify this option afterwards. Users without administrative privileges will not be able to view or modify any settings after login. This setting is enabled by default.
- Under Status, click Authenticate and enter the admin's credentials for the server.
- Update servers. If you need to update your version to be compatible with the host's servers, click Update in the Status field for a single server or select Online update or Manual update for multiple servers.
- Online update: The servers will update to the same Surveillance Station as the Host server.
- Manual update: Click Upload and select the file. You can also go to the Synology Download Center to download the same Surveillance Station version as the Host server.
- Review the recording servers you are about to add and their setup in the Summary
- The name of a recording server is case sensitive and can contain 1 to 32 Unicode characters, excluding the following symbols: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ { ] } \ | ; : ' " < > / ?
The first character cannot be a minus sign or a space, and the last character cannot be a space.
To edit a recording server:
- Choose the recording server you want to edit and click Edit.
- You can edit camera information such as name, IP address, port number, and admin password. You can also modify advanced options such as failover setting and security lock.
- Click Apply to save the changes.
To delete recording servers:
- Choose the recording servers you want to remove. (Press and hold the Ctrl or Shift key for multiple selections.)
- Click Delete.
To enable or disable recording servers:
- Choose the recording servers you want to enable/disable. (Press and hold the Ctrl or Shift key for multiple selections.)
- Choose Enable or Disable from the Enable drop-down list.
To update the server online or manually:
If the server's Surveillance Station package version is lower than the current Host server's, it must be updated to use CMS.
Single Server
To update the server online:
- Click Update > Online update.
- Select the target Surveillance Station update.
- Click Update.
To manually update the server:
- Click Update > Manual update.
- Click Upload and select the file. You can also go to the Synology Download Center to download the current version of Surveillance Station.
- Click Update.
Batch Servers
To update the server online:
- Click Update > Online update.
- Select the target Surveillance Station update.
- Select the servers you wish to update.
- Click Update.
To manually update the server:
- Click Update > Manual update.
- Select the servers you wish to update.
- Click Upload and select the file. You can also go to the Synology Download Station to download the current version of Surveillance Station.
- Click Update.
To perform manual failover for a recording server:
- If you need to halt the recording service of or power off a recording server for certain reasons, you can perform manual failover in order that the services of such server is temporarily assumed by a failover server.
- Choose the recording server you wish to perform manual failover.
- Click Advanced > Manual Failover.
- To stop manual failover, click Manual Failover > Stop.
- If the recording server is under failover, editing, stopping, or deleting this recording server will stop the failover status. The recordings on the failover server will thus be removed.
- You will no longer have access to the camera data and live view of recording servers which have been disabled.
To lock or unlock recording servers:
Locking recording servers helps prevent other CMS hosts within local network from pairing with your recording servers. Click Lock or Unlock and do either of the following:
- Lock all / Unlock all: All recording servers will be locked/unlocked.
- Lock selected / Unlock selected: The selected recording servers will be locked/unlocked.
To view video streams from recording servers:
Go to the Monitor Center applcation and add cameras of paired recording servers to the layout to watch the live view channels or recordings.
- If a CMS host and its recording servers are communicating via internal IP, you might encounter technical issues receiving video feeds of recording servers over the Internet. Therefore, when using a web browser to access a central management system from a different domain, you will need a relay service to receive cross-domain video feeds from recording servers. For example, with video relay service enabled, you can watch videos of the recording servers located on your office network even if you are at home. Go to Advanced to enable video relay service.
To edit the applications of recording servers:
- In the upper right panel, click to select a recording server.
- In the Applications tab of the lower right panel, click an application to launch the window, and make your changes. For more information on these applications, please refer to corresponding Help articles.
On Recording Server
When your server acts as a recording server, you can view the paired host server status, as well as lock/unlock this recording server. Locking your recording server prevents other servers from making changes to your server settings. You can also switch the server mode.
To lock or unlock your recording server:
- Under the Lock Setting section, select either Lock me or Unlock me to lock or unlock your recording server.
- Click Save to apply your changes.
- If the recording server is under failover, editing, stopping, or deleting this recording server will stop the failover status. The recordings on the failover server will thus be removed.