This page includes some general settings for Proxy Server.
To automatically provide users contact information when encountering problems:
- In Proxy server manager's email, enter the proxy server manager's email address. This will appear in the user's browser window when encountering problems or accessing prohibited pages.
To specify the port of Proxy Server:
- In Port, enter the proxy server port. This field is required. The default port number is 3128.
To enable proxy server caching:
- Check Enable caching to enable caching for your proxy server. You can go to the Cache page for more options.
To enable proxy server logging:
- Check Enable logging to allow your proxy server to log each HTTP request. Proxy Server logs are stored at /var/packages/ProxyServer/target/squid/var/logs/.
To forward your proxy server logs to another syslog server:
- Check Forward logs to syslog server to forward your proxy server logs to a syslog server.
- In Protocol select the corresponding protocol of the syslog server.
- In Server enter the syslog server's IP address.
- In Port enter the syslog server's port number.
To restore Proxy Server to default:
- Click Restore to Default to restore all Proxy Server settings to the default setting and clear the data in disk cache.