Sharing Notes
This section will show you how to share your notes/notebooks as well as manage notes/notebooks other DSM users share with you.
To publicly share your notes/notebooks:
You can share notes/notebooks publicly via social networks. Notes/notebooks shared publicly are view only.
- Go to the note or notebook you want to share.
- To share a note, click Share on the upper-right toolbar; to share a notebook, right-click it and click Share.
- Select Enable public share.
- Note Station creates a public link in Public Share Link. This link is ready to be shared. Opening this link will open the note or notebook in a new browser tab.
- Click OK.
To share your notes/notebooks with DSM users/groups:
- Go to the note or notebook you want to share.
- To share a note, click Share on the upper-right toolbar; to share a notebook, right-click it and click Share.
- Go to DSM Users/Groups, and enter a DSM username or group name. DSM will suggest candidates once you start typing.
- Choose View or Modify to set the permissions for that user/group.
- Click Add to share your note/notebook with that user/group. You can add multiple users and groups.
- Click OK to save the settings.
- When sharing notes with other DSM users or groups, you will need to create accounts for the users or groups (at Control Panel > User & Group). Be sure to assign proper permissions to the desired DSM users and groups to use Note Station.
- You will receive DSM notifications for joined notes/notebooks. Other DSM users will receive DSM notifications when you share notes/notebooks with them.
- Attachment preview is not available when users view publicly shared notes.
- The notes you share with others are listed under Shared Notes.
To view notes/notebooks shared with you:
Other DSM users can share notes/notebooks with you. To view, copy, or modify the joined notes or notebooks, do as follows:
- To view joined notebooks, go to Joined Notebooks > Username.
- To view joined notes, go to Joined Notebooks > Username > Joined Notes.
- To copy a joined note to your own notebook, open the joined note and click Copy in the note panel.
- To remove a joined note/notebook from Note Station, right-click the unwanted item and select Leave.
To allow DSM users to share notes/notebooks:
- Sign in to DSM as the admin or a user belonging to the administrators group.
- Go to Note Station > Settings > Administration.
- Select Allow non-admin users to share notes and notebooks.
- Click OK.
If you stop allowing non-admin users to share notes and notebooks, the users cannot add any more users to share notes/notebooks with.