Hyper Backup
With Hyper Backup, up to 65535 versions of data can be retained while storage consumption is minimized with cross-version deduplication. Data backed up are kept in a proprietary database which can be easily browsed, downloaded or restored with tailor-made multi-version explorer on DSM, Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms.
In the following sections, you will learn how to use Hyper Backup in the following ways:
Data Backup:
- Backing up data to local/remote Synology NAS devices
- Backing up data to remote rsync, WebDav, and OpenStack servers
- Backing up data to public clouds (e.g. Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure)
LUN Backup:
- Backing up iSCSI LUN* to external storage devices and to another Synology NAS device
- Restoring backup files
* Available on specific models only. For more information on models that support LUN backup, please refer to this link and select the model you use to check whether iSCSI Manager is supported on it.