You can easily share albums, photos and videos with other people using Photo Station.
Sharing with Social Networks
When you browse your albums, you can share links and upload photos from Photo Station to your social network accounts.
To manage social networking websites:
- Sign in to Photo Station as DSM admin, and then go to Settings > Sharing.
- All website services supported by Photo Station are enabled by default. If you want to disable certain services, simply uncheck them from the Social Network List.
To upload photos to social networks:
- Select the photos you want to upload, and then choose Share > Upload to [social networking websites].
- In the window that appears, click Connect with [social networking websites] and then authorize with your social network account.
- If you want to upload the photos to a new album, choose Create a new album and name the new album. If you want to upload the photos to an existing album, choose Upload to an existing album and choose the album from the drop-down menu.
Sharing with the Public
With public sharing enabled, users can share albums, photos, and videos with anyone. Shared items are publicly accessible, and can be managed in Shared Albums.
To enable public sharing:
- Sign in to Photo Station as DSM admin, and then go to Settings > Sharing.
- Select which users can have the privilege to share Photo Station items with the public.
To share items with the public:
- Browse to an album and select the items that you would like to share.
- Click Share > Share with the public to get the sharing link and make the items available to anyone.
- If you have selected an existing album to share, the album will be added to Shared Albums. Once the existing album has been shared, new photos added to this existing album folder will be automatically updated and available via the sharing link. Note that only photos and videos immediately below this album will be shared publicly. Sub-albums will not be shared.
- If you have selected multiple photos or videos to share, you will be directed to create a new shared album before sharing your selected items. The new shared album containing your selected items will then be added to Shared Albums. You can also share multiple items by adding them to an existing shared album.
- If you have selected only one single photo or video to share, it will be added to a shared album called Individual Photos under Shared Albums. In Individual Photos, you can manage all the items that you have shared one by one. You can also share one single item by adding it to an existing shared album.
- Specify a validity period for the shared album, if necessary. This limits how long the link remains active. Links cannot be used once the validity period expires.
- Enable password protection for the shared album, if necessary. Anyone with a public sharing link will be required to enter the password.
- Simply copy and paste the link into emails, instant messages, and web pages to share the items with everyone.
- You can set up advanced sharing options. See Managing Advanced Settings for Publicly Shared Albums below for more information.
Managing Advanced Settings for Publicly Shared Albums
Photo Station offers advanced features for publicly shared albums, such as comments, color labels, and notes, allowing you to exchange ideas with other users in a more efficient and detailed way.
- Advanced settings for publicly shared albums are applicable to Photo Station 6.6.0 or above.
- Any user with public sharing privilege can enable advanced settings from Photo Station for publicly shared albums.
- Advanced settings are available only for photos in publicly shared albums, not for photos shared individually.
To enable advanced settings for a publicly shared album:
- After selecting the album you want to share in Photo Station, click Share > Share with the public and go to Advanced Settings.
- Tick one or more of the following options:
- Allow Comments: Allows anyone with the public sharing link to make comments while viewing photos in lightbox mode.
- Enable Area Highlight Tools: Allows anyone with the public sharing link to select a specific rectangular area on a photo and leave a note.
- Enable Color Labels: Allows anyone with the public sharing link to apply color labels to photos. You can assign a name to each color label to help you manage your color labels.
To view notifications of comments, color labels, and notes:
- After opening a public sharing link, click the Notifications icon in the upper right corner. From here, you can view recent comments made to the items in the album.
- Click Show all to view the entire editing history of the album, including comments, color labels, and notes. Anyone with the public sharing link can view the entire editing history.
To apply color labels to photos in public albums:
- After opening a public sharing link, right-click on a photo and you will see the color labels that have been enabled. Select a desired color label to apply to the photo. Click None to remove a color label.
- To filter photos by color labels, tick one or multiple color labels near the upper right corner of the screen, and only photos with ticked color labels will be displayed.
- You can also apply, change, or remove a color label while viewing photos in lightbox mode.
To highlight an area on a photo in lightbox mode:
You can highlight any area of your choice on a photo with the area highlight tools. Follow the steps below to do so.
- After opening a public sharing link, select a photo to enter lightbox mode.
- Click Edit in the right panel.
- Draw a rectangular area on the photo to select the portion you want to highlight.
- Leave your note and then press Enter.
- Click Done in the right panel when you are finished editing.
- Notes are shown on a photo by default. Click the dashed border icon in the upper right corner to hide notes from a photo or show hidden notes again.
Sharing Links
If you want to share a photo, video or album and retain its permissions, please do either of the following:
- Browse to an album, and click Share > Get sharing link.
- Click a photo or video to view it in the "lightbox" viewer. In the lightbox, click Share > Get sharing link.
The people with whom you shared the link need to have appropriate privilege in order to access the link.