Shared Folder

Shared folders are the basic units in the volume group. The data of the shared folders can be located across multiple volumes and therefore will not be limited to the capacity of a single volume. Once you have created a volume group, you can start creating shared folders at PetaSpace > Shared Folder.

To create a shared folder:

  1. Click Create.
  2. Specify a name and description for the shared folder.
  3. Modify the following options if necessary:
    • Hide this shared folder in "My Network Places": Keeps the shared folder from appearing under "Network" in Windows File Explorer. This option does not affect the access privileges of the shared folder.
    • Hide sub-folders and files from users without permissions: When Hide sub-folders and files from users without permissions is enabled, if a user without read privileges attempts to access a shared folder via Windows File Sharing protocol, the user will not be able to view sub-folders or files within the shared folder. This prevents users from being confused when they connect to their Synology products, but encounter a large number of files and sub-folders that they cannot open.
    • Note:

      • This feature is only supported with Windows File Sharing protocol.
      • You can modify privilege settings of each folder and file in File Station by right-clicking on it. Choose Properties from the drop-down menu and click on the Permission tab.
      • The shared folder itself will not be hidden from users without permissions by enabling Hide sub-folders and files from users without permissions. Only the sub-folders and files within this shared folder will be hidden.
    • Enable Recycle Bin: When files in the shared folder are deleted, they will be moved to a folder named #recycle. Access to the recycle bin can be limited to users belonging to the administrators group.

PetaSpace Shared Folder Limitations:

  • PetaSpace shared folders can only be created, renamed, or deleted in the PetaSpace package. You are not allowed to perform these actions at Control Panel > Shared Folder.
  • Shared folders will be automatically divided and spread in the volume group and will not belong to a specific volume.
  • The maximum number of shared folders is 256.
  • Shared folders do not support encryption, user home, or quota settings.