Auto Extract Service

Auto Extract service optimizes download task by unzipping downloaded archives automatically to your specified location. Password can be created to extract compressed files if needed.

Click the Auto Extract tab on the left side to manage following settings for Auto Extract.


  • Supported compressed file formats: .zip, .tar, .gz, .tgz, .rar, .7z

Service Setting

DSM admin or users belonging to the administrators group can enable Auto Extract service for DiskStation users to decompress files automatically.

To enable Auto Extract service:

Tick Enable Auto Extract service for DiskStation users to extract archives automatically, and click OK.

Auto Extract

You can manage the Auto Extract settings for downloaded archives here.

To enable Auto Extract for downloaded files:

  1. Tick Enable Auto Extract for downloaded files to enable the service first if you want automatic extraction for downloaded files. Otherwise, the other settings will not be available.
  2. Select a location for uncompressed files from either of the following:
    • Extract to current location: Where the zipped archive is currently downloaded.
    • Extract to: Any other folders on your DiskStation.

To manage the Auto Extract settings, do the following:

  • Create subfolders for extracted files: Tick the checkbox if you want the compressed files to be stored in a subfolder of the folder in which the zipped archive is downloaded.
  • Overwrite existing files: Tick the checkbox if you want to overwrite files with the same file name within a folder. If it is not ticked, the extracted files with the same name will be skipped.
  • Delete archives upon extract completion: Tick the checkbox if you want to delete the downloaded archive once extracting is finished.

Password List

You can manage passwords used to extract archives by adding, editing, and deleting. The passwords listed will be automatically retrieved and applied to corresponding downloaded archives whenever required.

To manage the password list:

  1. Click Password List.
  2. In the window that appears, create, revise, or remove a password accordingly.
  3. Click OK to save the changes.


  • One password can contain up to 1024 characters at most.
  • The maximum number of passwords for the list is 30 entries.
Service Setting
Auto Extract
Password List