In Report, you can view, generate, and manage the reports for all the activated VPN services, as well as set up scheduled tasks to automatically generate reports at your specified frequency.
To generate a report immediately:
- In VPN Plus Server > Report, click Generate Report.
- Configure the following settings:
- Name: Enter the name for the generated report.
- Email (optional): When a report is generated, the link to such report will be sent to the email address specified here.
- Select Generate now.
- Specify the Type (see the Report Types note below) and the Start time of the report to generate immediately.
To create a scheduled report task:
- In VPN Plus Server > Report, click Generate Report.
- Configure the following settings:
- Name: Enter the name for the scheduled report task.
- Email (optional): When a report is generated, the link to such report will be sent to the email address specified here.
- Select Schedule to generate reports.
- Specify the Type (see the Report Types note below) and the Schedule to automatically generate reports.
- Automatically generated reports will be named after the report task with an incremental number. For example, if the task name is "2018 HQ", the first generated report will be named "2018 HQ", the second "2018 HQ_1", the third "2018 HQ_2", and so forth.
Report Types
Synology VPN Plus Server provides three types of reports:
- Daily report records the history within 24 hours since the specified Start time.
- Weekly report records the history within 7 days since the specified Start time.
- Monthly report records the history within 1 month since the specified Start time.
To manage report tasks:
- In VPN Plus Server > Report, click Manage Report Tasks.
- In the Manage Report Tasks window, you can click to select a task to do the following operations:
- Edit/Delete: Change the task settings, or delete the task.
Note: You can select multiple tasks by pressing Ctrl or Shift to delete them at once. - Generate report now: Manually start generating a report for the selected task by clicking this button.
- Edit/Delete: Change the task settings, or delete the task.
To view a generated report:
- In VPN Plus Server > Report, you will see a list of generated reports.
- Click the arrow button at the right to a report to open the report in a new tab of your web browser. Please refer to the Report Content section below to know more about the information you can acquire from a report.
Report Content
Synology VPN Plus provides visualized and informative reports, facilitating your analysis and tracking of VPN service usage. A report contains the following parts:
All VPN Services
This part shows the total statistics on all the VPN services, except for Site-to-Site VPN. You will find the following information in this part:
- Summary: Displays the overall and average statistics on uploaded/downloaded traffic, and the record for the time frame with the peak throughput.
- Network Traffic: Displays the uploaded/downloaded traffic on differnt time points within the time interval of this report.
- Periodic Trend in Traffic: Displays the trend in traffic (including uploads and downloads) based on five past consecutive time intervals (day, week, or month, according to the report type).
- Traffic over Past 5 Days (only in a Daily Report): Displays the traffic (including uploads and downloads) on each of the five past days.
- Top 100 Users: Displays 100 users with the biggest throughput.
- Active Users: Displays the trend in the number of users connected to any VPN services, except for Site-to-Site VPN. A user who has only logged in to the VPN Plus web portal without using any VPN services will not count.
- Traffic Comparison: Compares traffic data of each VPN service, except for Site-to-Site VPN. You can tick or untick any VPN services to show a customized comparison chart.
VPN services for client access
The SSL VPN, WebVPN, Remote Desktop, SSTP, OpenVPN, L2TP, and PPTP parts contain the following information:
- Summary: Displays the overall and average statistics on uploaded/downloaded traffic, and the record for the time frame with the peak throughput.
- Network Traffic: Displays the uploaded/downloaded traffic on differnt time points within the time interval of this report.
- Periodic Trend in Traffic: Displays the trend in traffic (including uploads and downloads) based on five past consecutive time intervals (day, week, or month, according to the report type).
- Traffic over Past 5 Days (only in a Daily Report): Displays the traffic (including uploads and downloads) on each of the five past days.
- Top 100 Users: Displays 100 users with the biggest throughput.
- Active Users: Displays the trend in the number of users connected to this VPN service.
- Top 10 Domains (only for WebVPN): Displays the 10 most visited websites through WebVPN, and the user distribution data for each one.
Site-to-Site VPN
This part displays the traffic data of each Site-to-Site VPN tunnels.
This part shows the history of Administrator managements and User events within the time interval of this report.
- Since all information in a report is based on hourly statistics, data of time past the latest hour when the report is generated will not be included in such report. For example, if a report is generated at 03:45, the network traffic from 03:00 to 03:45 will not count along with the statistics in the report.