Creating Notes
This section will show you how to create notes. Note Station is versatile, possessing many features to help you get the most out of your notes. The first thing you may consider doing is creating a new notebook. When new notes are created, if a notebook is not specified, the new note will be created in My Notebook. You can also create notebooks to organize notes as well as shelves to organize notebooks. The note hierarchy in Note Station is shelf > notebook > note.
To create a new notebook:
- At the top of Note Station, click Create.
- Click Create Notebook.
- Enter a title for your new notebook.
- Click OK.
To create a smart notebook:
A smart notebook is an intelligent collection of notes that meet the specified search criteria.
- You can create a smart notebook in either way below:
- Enter the search criteria in the search box (the magnifying glass icon), and click Save as Smart Notebook to collect the filtered notes into a smart notebook.
- Click Create > Create Smart Notebook; alternatively, on the left panel right-click the Smart Notebook heading > Create Smart Notebook. Specify its relevant information and criteria.
- Click OK to save the settings.
- To modify the smart notebook settings, right-click the smart notebook and click Edit.
- Later created notes will also be grouped into the smart notebook if they meet the criteria.
- If you change the search criteria, the smart notebook will recollect notes based on the modified criteria.
- Smart notebooks only collect notes created by the smart notebook creator.
To create a new shelf:
- You can choose any of the following methods to create a new shelf.
- At the top of Note Station, click Create > Create Shelf.
- Right-click on Notebooks in the menu panel and click Create Shelf.
- Right-click on a notebook from Notebooks in the menu panel. Mouse over Add to shelf and select New Shelf.
- Drag a notebook from Notebooks in the menu panel and drop it onto another notebook.
- Enter a title for your new shelf.
- Click OK.
- In the menu panel, you can click on your newly-created shelf to view the notebooks it contains.
When you are ready to create a new note, click Create. You have several options:
- Create Note: This will create a note in the active notebook. If there is no active notebook, the new note will be created in My Notebook.
- Create Encrypted Note: This will create a password-protected note. Refer to Managing Notes for more information.
- Create Note In...: This will directly create a new note in the specified notebook.
- You can also create a new notebook by right-clicking Notebook in the menu panel, and then clicking Create Notebook.
- You can rename My Notebook by right-clicking My Notebook and selecting Rename to enter a new notebook title.
- New notes are named Untitled by default.
- You can change the default notebook by right-clicking a notebook from Notebooks and selecting Set as default notebook.
- Notebooks can only be added to one shelf at anytime.
Once you have created a new note, it is time to add content.
To edit notes:
- In the menu panel, click on a notebook that contains your notes. You can alternatively click on Note > All Notes to view all your notes in Note Station.
- Your notes will appear in the browser panel. Click on the note you want to edit. You can also right-click a note and select Edit.
- Your selected note should appear in the note panel. Start editing away!
Note Station offers you many features to edit and add content to your notes with:
- Rich text editing: Many familiar text editing features are available in Note Station. Tooltips will appear when you hover your mouse over the different icons.
- Embedding multimedia: You can directly insert links, pictures, and YouTube videos into your notes.
- Attachments: Upload attachments to your note. There is no limit on number of attachments; you are only restricted by the amount of storage space on your Synology NAS.
To create a note link:
Note links help you instantly reach other notes and make cross-referencing easy and handy.
- Right-click the target note you want to create a link for.
- Select Copy note link.
- Open another note and paste the note link in it.
- Click the link for the use/management below:
- To jump to the target note: Click Open.
- To edit the displayed text or URL: Click Edit.
- To remove the link: Click Remove.
- Note links do not work in history versions or in the Recycle Bin.
- If the URL is modified, the note link may not lead you to the target note.
- If the URL is changed to a local/external URL, you may directly access resource on the local network or the Internet via the link.
To embed a YouTube video:
- Copy the YouTube video link you want to embed.
- In the note panel, click Insert/edit link.
- Paste the copied YouTube video link in URL.
- Check Embed YouTube video.
- Click OK.
To create tables and charts:
Creating tables helps you sort numeric data, and you can create charts out of the tables for data visualization.
- Click Table (the table icon) > Insert table, and define the table size.
- Enter the data in the created table.
- Select the created table, and click Chart (the bar graph icon) to show the Chart Editor along with an editing table for data modification.
- In the Chart Editor, click Chart for the following managements:
- Range: Set the cell range for chart presentation. In Data Selector, you can view/modify the overall table structure.
- Header: Choose the Leftmost column or Top row as the dimension (information used for classifying data), such as months or net profits.
- Category (as X-axis): Set the columns or rows as the the X-axis dimension.
- Type: Present the data in a pie chart, bar graph, or line chart.
- In the Chart Editor, click Settings for the following managements:
- Title: Name the generated chart.
- X-axis Title: Name the X-axis (e.g. month or week).
- Y-axis Title: Name the Y-axis (e.g. revenue or population growth).
- Size (by Pixel): Define the chart size.
- Property: Choose whether to hide the source table in the slide-show mode.
- Click Apply to insert the generated chart.
- We advise you to select the proper chart type to suit the nature of your data. For example, the pie chart is not recommended to two-dimensional data (one of the dimensions will not be observable).
- To create images from charts, select the chart and click Convert to Image.
- You can directly create a chart without having a table first: Click Chart to display the Chart Editor along with a editing table and enter data there. The editing table will not be displayed in the note.
To modify existing charts:
Note Station allows you to instantly modify a generated chart with an editing table.
- Open the note that contains the target chart.
- Click Edit below the chart to display the Chart Editor with an editing table. Alternatively, select the chart and click Chart on the toolbar above to show the table.
- Edit the editing table in the following ways:
- To enter a new value, double click the target cell.
- To add or remove columns/rows, right click the target column header or row header (in green texts) and select the proper action.
- During data modification, the chart preview changes with the new data. To edit the table again, click the edition icon on the top-right corner of the chart editor.
- Click Apply to save the changes to the chart.
If you make changes to the editing table, the changes will not be saved to the source table in your note.
To save your notes:
Note Station makes saving notes simple. While you are working on your note, Note Station automatically saves a copy of your note every ten minutes and when Note Station is idle for ten seconds. In addition, Note Station will also save a copy when you switch to another item. A complete version history is also saved for each note. See Managing Notes for more information about version history. Sync now can also be used to manually save your note.
When using Note Station from different places (e.g., multiple browsers and mobile devices), you can click Sync Now to retrieve the latest data from your Synology NAS. The different panels as well as newest note content/information will be updated. You have the convenience of creating a new note in one place, and finishing it at another place.