Hybrid Share

Synology Hybrid Share is a hybrid cloud solution combining the performance of Synology NAS with the scalability of C2 Storage. Mount your cloud storage on a Synology NAS for local and low-latency access to the remote data stored on the cloud.

To get started with Hybrid Share, go to DSM Control Panel > Shared Folder and set up your Hybrid Share folder.

Requirements and Limitations

You need a Synology Account with access to C2 Storage and a compatible Synology NAS meeting the following requirements:

  • DSM version: 7.0.1 or above
  • Network: External network access
  • Software feature: Btrfs file system
  • Hardware feature: 2 GB memory


  • Hybrid Share is not supported on Virtual DSM.
  • C2 Storage is not supported in China, which means its services (such as Hybrid Share) are not available in this region.

Key Terms

The following terms can help you understand how this solution works:

  • Hybrid Share is an inbuilt package in DSM 7.0 and above versions. This package uses local caching technology to optimize the access latency of data on the cloud.
  • Hybrid Share Folder is a designated space for you to store files and folders on C2 Storage. You can mount this folder on one or multiple Synology NAS devices as a type of shared folder. This allows you to access and store data on C2 Storage.
  • C2 Storage is designed to offer an integrated and cost-effective cloud storage solution for Synology NAS users. For more information, visit this page.
  • Local Cache is space reserved on the Btrfs volume where a Hybrid Share folder is mounted. Frequently accessed cloud data and data not yet uploaded to the Hybrid Share folder on C2 Storage are temporarily stored here.
Requirements and Limitations
Key Terms