DS note (Android)

Version 1.11

Whether for creating your weekly to-do list, sharing information on projects with your teammates, or simply describing your best holidays memories, DS note’s editing features make it easy and pleasant to take note of anything you want, anywhere you need, even with no network. Use tags, notebooks, and shortcuts to organize all your notes, and share them instantly with anyone you want. And that’s always safe as DS note it keeps all in sync with your note library on your Synology NAS server, your personal cloud.

Before You Start

Before setting up DS note, please log in to DSM to install and set up Note Station. Also note DSM version 5.0 or later is required.

To install Note Station:

  1. Log in to DSM with an account belonging to the administrators group.
  2. Go to Package Center to find and install Note Station.

Getting Started

To link DS note:

  1. Enter the following information on the login page:
    • Device name: Enter your device name (e.g., My Android Device). This is optional.
    • Address or QuickConnect ID: Enter the IP address, DDNS hostname, or QuickConnect ID of your Synology NAS.
    • Account and Password: Enter your DSM account login credentials.
  2. Tap Link.

If you want to secure your connection, do the following:

  1. Turn on HTTPS if you want your connection to be SSL/TLS-encrypted. Before doing so, make sure the HTTPS service is activated at Control Panel > Network > DSM Settings on your Synology server.
  2. Enable Verify certificate by going to > Login Settings to validate the SSL certificate installed on your Synology NAS. This verification works if the installed certificate is trusted (you will need to purchase from a third party issuer).


If you cannot link DS note to Note Station with your user credentials, you can try logging into DSM with an account belonging to the administrators group and going to Control Panel > User > Edit > Applications and select Note Station to enable your account.

To use one-time password:

When 2-step verification is enabled for your account or enforced by the admin on DSM (6.0 and above), you will need to log in to this Synology mobile application with your user credentials and the 6-digit code retrieved from Synology Secure SignIn or other authenticator applications for safe access.


When 2-step verification is enabled on DSM (6.0 and above), your mobile device can be remembered for convenient and safe login:

  • To have your device remembered, select Trust this device on the login page. Your device will be remembered for 30 days; if you log in again within its validity period, your device will be remembered for another 30 days.
  • To stop trusting the device, go to DSM > Options > Account > Account Activity > Trusted Devices and click Untrust other devices.

To lock the application:

You can lock the application from unwanted access with passcode after it enters the backgroud mode.

  • To set up the passcode:
    1. Go to Settings > Security Settings > Configure passcode > Enable passcode.
    2. Set up a 4-digit passcode, and re-enter the passcode for confirmation.
  • To change the passcode: Tap Change passcode, and enter the previous passcode and then a new one.
  • To set up passcode re-authentication time: Tap Passcode Re-authentication and select the validity length. During the validity period, you will not need to enter the passcode again.


DS note includes the following main sections:

  1. Favorites for easy access to notes, notebooks, or tags which you use most frequently.
  2. All Notes lists all your notes.
  3. Lists all tasks you have created as well as a task search feature.
  4. Lists all your notebooks as well as Recycle Bin to restore notes.
  5. Lists tags you have applied to notes. Tags allow for flexible organization of your notes, independent of the actual notebooks.
  6. Lists all the notebooks which have been shared with your Note Station account.
  7. Find notes on your device using search criteria for more focused results.
  8. View your login information, unlink DS note, configure Clipper settings, and read related documents here.
  9. Tap a quickstart icon to create a note directly.
  10. Manually sync notes and see the status of synchronization.

Creating and Editing Notes

In addition to strong editing capabilities, DS note brings you smart features to make note taking all the more convenient.

To create a note:

  • While in a notebook, you can create a new note by tapping , and then choosing between creating a regular note or an encrypted one.
  • Alternatively, you can use the quickstart icons in the sliding menus to create notes directly by choosing a picture from your photos, taking a picture with the camera, recording with the microphone, starting with a blank note, and more.
  • You can create a note from the native photo album. Select images, share via DS note, and select the destination notebook. There you can edit the note.


When creating a note under All Notes, its default notebook is My Notebook.

To edit a note:

  • Enter a note and tap to allow editing. Changes you make will be saved and synced once you tap Sync now!. You are recommended to save regularly to avoid losing any changes. Doing this will also create a version allowing you to restore the note later from a previous point.


If a note has been shared with you, you will not be able edit it unless you have been granted the permissions to edit it.

The rich text editor in DS note provides the following tools:

  1. Add an attachment from a handwritten note, from the albums, by taking a photo directly, by recording with the microphone, or from any cloud service providers that support Document Provider*. Images will appear embedded in the note and not with the other attachments.
  2. Start handwriting (can also be accessed via Attachments)
  3. Apply bullets or numbering
  4. Add checkboxes
  5. Apply alignment and justification to selected text
  6. Indent text
  7. Apply font color, heading format, and size
  8. Apply bold/italic/underlined/strikethrough styles
  9. Insert a URL
  10. Insert a note link
  11. Apply subscript/superscript
  12. Remove formatting
  13. Insert a horizontal line


To add a task to the current note, you need to select text first before tapping the task button.

DS note syncs all your notes to your Android device. However, due to Android device storage limitations, attachments are only downloaded on demand.

To view/delete an attachment:

  • To download an attachment, tap Attachments at the bottom of the page and select the file to download. If the file is unsupported by your Android device, you will be shown a list of apps to open it with.
  • Downloaded attachments can be deleted from the note by tapping .

To rename a note do either of the following:

  • When browsing a list of notes, tap on a note > Rename.
  • When inside a note, tap the action menu > Rename. You can also tap the title directly when you have entered edit mode.

To view and modify a note information:

  • When browsing a list of notes, tap on a note > Information.
  • When inside a note, tap the action menu > Information.

You can view and modify the following information:

  • Note title
  • Which notebook the note is located in
  • Tags applied to the note
  • View when the note was created/last modified
  • Note versions can be viewed and selected to restore the note
  • Reference links
  • Edit GPS location tag details

To encrypt a note:

Regular notes cannot be encrypted directly after their creation. You will need to:

  1. Make an encrypted copy by tapping > Copy to encrypted note.
  2. Delete the original note.


You can change the password of your encrypted note at anytime in the Information of the note.

Organizing Notes

Whether you use DS note for taking personal notes or as a tool for your team to collaborate on projects, this section will introduce features to allow you to best organize all your notes.

To create a notebook:

  • Go to Notebooks > .

To create a smart notebook:

Smart notebooks are intelligent collections of notes based on the specified search criteria.

  1. Go to Search and specify your search criteria.
  2. Tap Save as smart notebook, and you may modify relevant search criteria for a refined collection. Later created notes that meet the criteria will also be grouped into the smart notebook.

To move/copy single notes to a different notebook do either of the following:

  • Tap > Move/Copy and then select the notebook to move/copy the note to.
  • Tap > Information > Notebooks and then select the notebook to move/copy the note to.

To move/copy multiple notes to a different notebook do either of the following:

  • Tap > Edit > Move/Copy and then select the notebook you want to move/copy the notes to. 

To apply/remove/nest tags:

Tags are a flexible way of organizing your notes by creating virtual notebooks: while a note can only belong to one notebook, it can have multiple tags applied to it. Tags can be nested to help you group and find related notes by tag.

  • To add tags to notes, open the note, go to > Information > Tags, and do either below:
    • Enter a new tag name in the field above.
    • Tap to create a new tag and nest it to an existing tag.
    • To remove tags, tap .
  • To find notes by tag, go to Tags on the menu panel and do either below:
    1. To list tagged notes, tap the desired tag.
    2. To see notes marked with its sub-tags, tap above the note and select Notes with sub-tags.

Notes, notebooks, and tags which you use most frequently can be added to or removed from Favorites.

To add/remove a single item to/from Favorites:

  • Tap > Add to Favorites/Remove from Favorites.

Notes, notebooks, and tags deleted from DS note are first moved to Recycle Bin. When clearing Recycle Bin, they are permanently deleted and no longer use up space on the Android device and your Synology NAS.

To delete a single item:

  • Tap > Delete.

To delete multiple items:

  • Tap > Edit > Move to Recycle Bin.

To permanently delete a single note:

  • Go to Notebooks > Recycle Bin and tap > Delete.

To permanently delete all notes in Recycle Bin:

  • Go to Notebooks and tap on Recycle Bin > Clear All.

Notes that have not been permanently deleted from Recycle Bin can be restored anytime.

To export a note:

Exporting notes helps you reserve and back up important data for use.

  1. Tap > Export Notebooks and select the export destination.
  2. Select the notebook(s) to be exported. You can access the exported .nsx file after you import it to Note Station.


  • To export encrypted notes, you must decrypt them first.
  • To export note attachments, you must download them first.
  • When DS note is unlinked from Note Station, unsynced notes will be lost if not exported.

To restore a note:

  • Go to Notebooks > Recycle Bin and tap > Restore.

In addition, notes can be restored from a previous point in time using version history.

To restore a previous version of a note:

  • Tap of the note > Information > History.
  • Preview a version by tapping on it. Once you have found the version you want to restore, tap > Restore.


If the original notebook containing the notes has been deleted itself, the note will be restored to the default notebook My Notebook.

Navigating DS note

Here are a few tips to make navigating around DS note more enjoyable. When browsing a notebook or All Notes you can switch between thumbnail mode and list mode.

To change the viewing mode:

  • Tap to switch between the two viewing modes.

You can sort by title, when the note was created, and last modified. You can also arrange the order ascending and descending.

To sort notes:

  • While browsing a notebook or All Notes, tap > Sort Settings.

DS note provides you with an advanced search ability to efficiently find notes, notebooks, and tags.

To perform a search:

  • Go to the Main Menu > Advanced Search.

To search attachments (Note Station version 0341 required):

You can search attachments and their contents after indexing.

  1. Go to Note Station > Settings > Note Options > General, and select Enable attachment content indexing for search.
  2. Go to DS note settings and tap Enable Attachment Search.
  3. Download the attachments in the notes via DS note for indexing.
  4. Go to Search and enter keywords to find the attachment.

To insert note links:

  1. On the editing mode, tap and select the target note to be linked.
  2. To jump to the target note, tap the inserted link.
  3. To edit the link name/URL, tap or .


Note links cannot work in history versions.

Sharing Notes and Notebooks

DS notes allows sharing notes/notebooks via:

  • Public Sharing: Directly shares the note/notebook via a link.
  • Note Station Users: Shares the note/notebook to other Note Station users on your Synology NAS.
  • Email note: Directly sends the note via internal email client.

Notes/notebooks shared with your Note Station account will appear under Joined Notebooks.

To share a note/notebook via a link:

  1. Tap of the note/notebook > Share. Toggle Public Sharing to the right and then tap Share.
  2. You can then choose an email or social network app installed on your Android device to share the link with.


  • You can stop sharing the link by toggling Public Sharing back towards the left.
  • You need to be logged in for the social network app to appear.

To share notes/notebooks to DSM users/groups:

Tap of the note/notebook > Share > User/Group > to specify the username/group name and corresponding permissions.

To stop sharing with DSM users/groups:

Tap > Share > User/Group and Tap to delete the unwanted user/group.

To change permissions of a Note Station user:

Tap > Share > User/Group and tap the desired username or group name to change the permission.

To send a note via email:

  1. Tap of the note > Email note.
  2. You can then choose an email app installed on your Android device to send the note.


  • Notes sent via email will not appear under Joined Notes.

Working with Tasks

To add a task, do either of the following:

  • Go to All Tasks and enter the task name at the top.
  • While a note is open, tap to add a task to the note.

You can view and modify the following information:

  • Star
  • Task title
  • Due date and time
  • Priority
  • Reminder time
  • Subtasks
  • Remark

To edit priority/due by in batch mode:

  1. In All Tasks, tap > Edit.
  2. Tap of each task you want to batch edit.
  3. Tap > Priority or Due by.

In the upper-right of All Tasks you can search as well as sort and filter tasks.

To sort/filter tasks:

  • While browsing All Tasks, tap > Filter/Sort Settings.


  • All Tasks does not display tasks from joined notes.
  • Notifications are not sent for tasks from joined notes.

Clipping Web Pages

To clip web pages to DS note:

  1. Open a web page you want to save with your device's Internet browser.
  2. Share the page via DS note. The web page will be saved to DS note.


  • Go to Settings > Clipper Settings to specify what web content is saved as well as which notebook to save to.
  • By default, DS note may not be enabled for sharing. This can be done under "more".

Unlinking DS note

To unlink DS note from Note Station:

  • Go to Settings > Unlink.
Before You Start
Getting Started
Creating and Editing Notes
Organizing Notes
Navigating DS note
Sharing Notes and Notebooks
Working with Tasks
Clipping Web Pages
Unlinking DS note