DSM Update

The DSM Update page offers options to perform software updates on the managed servers, allowing you to efficiently keep the managed servers up-to-date and make sure each server is running the latest DSM versions. Only the servers that can be updated will be listed (i.e., the servers running the latest DSM version will not be shown). To search for specific servers, enter keywords in the upper-right search bar or click to filter servers by groups.

Before you start:

Before you start, please note the following:

  • Make sure the CMS host can connect to the Internet to obtain the latest DSM updates.
  • At least one volume is available for the CMS host to store the installation files.

To update a managed server:

  1. Select the server you want to update and click the Update button.
    Note: Press the Ctrl key and left-click your mouse to select multiple servers at a time.
  2. Install a specific or the latest DSM version by selecting one of the following methods:
    • Update to the latest DSM version provided on Synology's website: The system will update the selected servers to the latest DSM version on Synology's website. This option requires you to specify a location to store the DSM patch in the CMS host.
    • Update .pat files manually: After manually downloading the DSM .pat files from Synology's website and uploading them to the CMS host, you can select the .pat files to update the DSM version of the selected servers.
  3. Follow the wizard to complete the process.

To update all managed servers:

  1. Click the Update All button.
  2. Install a specific or the latest DSM version by selecting one of the following methods:
    • Update to the latest DSM version provided on Synology's website: The system will update the selected servers to the latest DSM version on Synology's website. This option requires you to specify a location to store the DSM patch in the CMS host.
    • Update .pat files manually: After manually downloading the DSM .pat files from Synology's website and uploading them to the CMS host, you can select the .pat files to update the DSM version of all servers.
  3. Follow the wizard to complete the process.

To set the update types:

  1. Click the Settings button.
  2. Select one of the following update types:
    • Check the latest DSM updates: The system will check for the latest DSM version and all other updates periodically.
    • Check important and security updates of DSM only: The system will check for important updates and show the available updates in CMS > DSM Update.
  3. Follow the wizard to complete the process.