Restore Status

At Active Backup for Business > Restore Status, you can monitor the restoration progress of each restore task, VM perform migration, and cancel restoration.


  1. Details of restored tasks
  2. Migrate VM
  3. Cancel restored tasks

Details of Restored Tasks

You can select any restore task and click Details to get more task information.

  • Status / Files being processed: the restoration progress of the task and the files that are being restored
  • Source: where the data is restored from
  • Restore version: the recovery point the task will be restored to
  • Destination: where the devices will be running on
  • Execution time: start time of the restoration
  • Transferred size: size of the restored data
  • Duration: how much time the restoration has taken

Migrate VM

You can select any restore task and click Migrate VM to finalize the instant VM restore.

After clicking Migrate VM, users will need to select the datastore where all changes made during the instant VM restore should be restored to.

Please note that since VM migration leverages native VMware vCenter migration mechanisms, vMotion, and Storage vMotion, only eligible VMware vSphere license with support for vMotion and Storage vMotion can perform VM migration. If your VMware vSphere license does not provide support for vMotion and Storage vMotion, or you need to migrate VMs from one standalone ESX(i) host to another, VMware vCenter migration methods cannot be used and migration of VMs will be disabled.

Cancel Restore Tasks

You can select any restore task and click Cancel to stop restoration.

Please note that all changes made during instant VM restore will be discarded after you click Cancel. Users may only retain the last backed up version of each restored task.

Details of Restored Tasks
Migrate VM
Cancel Restore Tasks