I received errors when using Adobe applications to edit or save files on Synology NAS. What can I do?
I received errors when using Adobe applications to edit or save files on Synology NAS. What can I do?
Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Bridge returns the following errors when you edit or save a file located on a Synology NAS:
- Could not complete this operation because this file is in an unknown format.
- Could not save because of a disk error.
- Could not complete the request because the file is locked.
- Could not save as "File Name.psd" because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions or another program is using the file. Use the “Properties” command in the Windows Explorer to unlock the file.
However, this does not happen if you copy the file to your local computer and edit or save the file.
According to Adobe's article, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Bridge work best with local files.1 To resolve the errors, you can manually transfer files on your Synology NAS to your computer and save all updates back to your Synology NAS whenever you edit the files.
If you want to save the effort of manual file transfers, we recommend following these steps:
- Install and launch Synology Drive Client, and sync files from your Synology NAS to your computer.
- Use Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Bridge to edit the synced files on your computer.
- Save the files and changes will be synced to your Synology NAS.
Alternatively, if you are using a Mac computer with an Intel processor, you may go to Control Panel > File Services > AFP and select Enable AFP service to access your files via AFP.2
- Adobe also strongly recommends working with digital media files directly on the computer’s local hard disk for the following Adobe products: Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Premiere Rush, Adobe Premiere Elements, After Effects, Encore, Media Encoder, Prelude, and SpeedGrade. Make sure you have followed Adobe's recommended workflow and refer to this article by Adobe for more information before contacting Synology.
- If you are using a Mac computer with Apple silicon, we do not recommend accessing files via AFP.