General Settings
After enabling Web Station, you can choose the back-end server, desired PHP profile, and whether or not to enable personal website. Go to Web Server and PHP Settings for more advanced settings.
Set Default Back-end (Default Website Entrypoint)
With the Web Station feature and PHP support, you can easily host a website on your Synology Synology NAS and create dynamic websites for your business or hobby. In addition, Package Center provides a variety of 3rd party packages such as Content Management, Customer Relationship Management & e-Commerce system. A default shared folder called "web" will be created to store the files for your website. You can also create Virtual Host to create multiple virtual website entrances.
- For better flexibility and security, Web Station uses the http user group to execute tasks. Therefore, to control the access permissions for your web pages, please change the http group's access permissions for each corresponding folder and file. For example, if you want to make sample.htm file in the web shared folder accessible via Web Station, you'll need to make sure the http group has proper read/write permissions for the web shared folder as well as the sample.htm file.
- The home page file should be named index.htm, index.html, or index.php.
- When you use the PHP mail() function, the system will automatically retrieve and use the SMTP server information on the Notification page. Make sure you have enabled email notifications and entered the correct SMTP server information.
- The real path of the shared folder web is /volume1/web. Some applications require the user to set the path in the configuration file.
- The names blog, photo, photosrc, and webdefault are reserved folder names. These names cannot be used by Web Station, so please do not create folders with these names under the web shared folder.
- You can customize the error page by creating a missing.html file, a missing.htm file, or a missing.php file. First enable Web Station. Then place the missing.html, missing.htm, or the missing.php file under the web shared folder on the server. When users link to a page which does not exist, they will view this customized error page.
Enable Personal Website
The personal website feature is a convenient way to allow local users, domain users and LDAP users to create their own personal websites.
- Since the Domain/LDAP function is not available on EDS14, Web Station installed on EDS14 only allows local users to enable personal website.
For local users
Each local user will have a unique website address server-IP/~username or server-name/~username. For example:
- SynologyNAS/~ken
For domain users
Each domain user will have a unique website address server-IP/~domainname%5cusername or server-name/~domainname%5cusername. For example:
- SynologyNAS/~testdomain%5cken
For LDAP users
Each LDAP user will have a unique website address server-IP/~username@domainname or server-name/~username@domainname. For example:
- SynologyNAS/~ken@testdomain
- Before enabling this feature, please make sure the system has met the following two requirements:
- User homes have been enabled. For local users, go to Control Panel > User > Advanced; for domain users, go to Control Panel > Domain/LDAP > Domain Users > User Home; for LDAP users, go to Control Panel > Domain/LDAP > LDAP Users > User Home.
- Apache HTTP Server 2.2 and PHP 5.6 have been installed and enabled. You can install these packages from Package Center.
To create a personal website:
- If you have checked Enable personal website, a folder www will be automatically created in the user's home directory.
- The user can now upload the website-related files (e.g., webpages and sound files) into the www folder.
- Make sure the user has proper access permissions to the uploaded files.
To customize the error page:
- Save the error page as missing.html, missing.htm, or missing.php.
- Upload the file to the www folder.
When users link to a page that does not exist in the local user’s website, the customized error page will be displayed.
Support and limitations:
- Local users are only allowed to access data under the following:
- Their own home
- /var/tmp
- /tmp
- /volumeX/@tmp