Error Page Settings

At Error Page Settings, you can customize multiple error responses displaying when visitors cannot find your websites via URLs.

Create Error Page Profiles

To create a profile for all error codes:

  1. Go to Error Page Settings.
  2. Click Create > Create profile.
  3. Name the profile in the Profile name field.
  4. Select one of the following options from the Default response type drop-down menu:
    • Insert content from a static file: Select this option if you wish to adopt a static content as the error response. To insert the content (e.g., an .html file) in the File path field, click the folder icon to browse for the file.
    • Link to a URL on this site: Select this option if you wish to adopt a dynamic content as the error response. To specify the content (e.g., an .aspx file), enter the file path in the URL field. Please note that the file path must be a relative path to the root URL of your website.
    • Execute a 302 redirect: Select this option if you wish to redirect visitors' browsers to a different URL containing error messages. To specify a link to which browsers are redirected, enter the URL in the Absolute URL field.
  5. Click Create to complete the settings. You are now ready to apply this profile to any web service portals, displaying the customized error page when necessary.

To create a profile for specific error codes:

You can add multiple error pages, each of which corresponds to a specific error code.

  1. Follow steps 1 - 4 in the section To create a profile for all error codes. The settings configured through these steps allow you to display a default error page when visitors encounter an error code that does not correspond to any customized error pages.
  2. Under the Custom Response section, click Add to add an error page corresponding to an error code. You can also drag a file to this area to add an error page.
  3. Complete the following settings for the error page:
    • Status Code: Enter the code to which the error page applies.
    • Response Type: Select one of the three response types:
      • Insert content from a static file
      • Link to a URL on this site
      • Execute a 302 redirect
  4. Repeat steps 2 - 3 if you wish to add more code-driven error pages.
  5. Click Create to complete the settings. You are now ready to apply this profile to any web service portals, displaying the error pages according to website status.


  • Not every error code can be applied to all types of HTTP back-end servers. The following provides you the range of error codes that HTTP back-end servers support:
    • Nginx: 400 - 498, 500 - 599
    • Apache HTTP Server 2.2: 400 - 426, 500 - 510
    • Apache HTTP Server 2.4: 400 - 417, 422 - 424, 426, 428, 429, 431, 500 - 508, 510

To import a profile:

  1. Go to Error Page Settings.
  2. Click Create > Import.
  3. Click the folder icon in the Import file field to browse for a profile in DAT format.
  4. Click Import.

Manage Error Page Profiles

To edit a profile:

  1. Select a profile and click Edit.
  2. Click any field to add or edit information.
  3. Click Save.

To delete a profile:

  1. Select a profile and click Delete.
  2. Click Delete in the pop-up message to confirm the deletion. Please note that the deletion of profiles is irreversible.

To export a profile:

  1. Select a profile and click Export.
  2. Select a location and click Save to export the profile in DAT format.


  • You can export or delete multiple profiles by pressing and holding the Ctrl or Shift key.
Create Error Page Profiles
Manage Error Page Profiles