Error Page Settings
At Error Page Settings, you can customize multiple error responses displaying when visitors cannot find your websites via URLs.
Create Error Page Profiles
To create a profile for all error codes:
- Go to Error Page Settings.
- Click Create > Create profile.
- Name the profile in the Profile name field.
- Select one of the following options from the Default response type drop-down menu:
- Insert content from a static file: Select this option if you wish to adopt a static content as the error response. To insert the content (e.g., an .html file) in the File path field, click the folder icon to browse for the file.
- Link to a URL on this site: Select this option if you wish to adopt a dynamic content as the error response. To specify the content (e.g., an .aspx file), enter the file path in the URL field. Please note that the file path must be a relative path to the root URL of your website.
- Execute a 302 redirect: Select this option if you wish to redirect visitors' browsers to a different URL containing error messages. To specify a link to which browsers are redirected, enter the URL in the Absolute URL field.
- Click Create to complete the settings. You are now ready to apply this profile to any web service portals, displaying the customized error page when necessary.
To create a profile for specific error codes:
You can add multiple error pages, each of which corresponds to a specific error code.
- Follow steps 1 - 4 in the section To create a profile for all error codes. The settings configured through these steps allow you to display a default error page when visitors encounter an error code that does not correspond to any customized error pages.
- Under the Custom Response section, click Add to add an error page corresponding to an error code. You can also drag a file to this area to add an error page.
- Complete the following settings for the error page:
- Status Code: Enter the code to which the error page applies.
- Response Type: Select one of the three response types:
- Insert content from a static file
- Link to a URL on this site
- Execute a 302 redirect
- Repeat steps 2 - 3 if you wish to add more code-driven error pages.
- Click Create to complete the settings. You are now ready to apply this profile to any web service portals, displaying the error pages according to website status.
- Not every error code can be applied to all types of HTTP back-end servers. The following provides you the range of error codes that HTTP back-end servers support:
- Nginx: 400 - 498, 500 - 599
- Apache HTTP Server 2.2: 400 - 426, 500 - 510
- Apache HTTP Server 2.4: 400 - 417, 422 - 424, 426, 428, 429, 431, 500 - 508, 510
To import a profile:
- Go to Error Page Settings.
- Click Create > Import.
- Click the folder icon in the Import file field to browse for a profile in DAT format.
- Click Import.
Manage Error Page Profiles
To edit a profile:
- Select a profile and click Edit.
- Click any field to add or edit information.
- Click Save.
To delete a profile:
- Select a profile and click Delete.
- Click Delete in the pop-up message to confirm the deletion. Please note that the deletion of profiles is irreversible.
To export a profile:
- Select a profile and click Export.
- Select a location and click Save to export the profile in DAT format.
- You can export or delete multiple profiles by pressing and holding the Ctrl or Shift key.
Create Error Page Profiles
Manage Error Page Profiles