Using Formulas

You can enter formulas directly into a cell or the formula bar in your spreadsheet. Like most other spreadsheet applications, Office’s spreadsheet also supports various functions for more efficient data management. This section will cover the details on using formulas in your spreadsheet in Office.

Please visit Synology's website of SpreadSheet Function List, where you can view all the supported functions by category and learn more about their usage with examples.


  • SpreadSheet Function List currently includes most frequently used functions only. Other supported functions that are not on the list yet will be added periodically.

Entering Formulas

To enter a formula:

Type a formula into a cell or the formula bar.

To enter a range in a formula:

If the formula contains a range, do either of the following:

  • Enter a range by typing it into a cell or the formula bar.
  • Select a range with the mouse. Press and hold Ctrl to select multiple cells or ranges.


You can select ranges only in the following contexts:

  • After one of these characters: = ( + - * / ,
  • Before one of these characters: + - * / , )

Adjusting Formulas with Locale Settings

Different languages and geographic regions have different ways for formatting numbers, currencies, and time-related data, which can be defined by choosing a locale for your spreadsheets. Such differences will affect the way in which a formula should be entered.

To separate arguments in a formula:

  • If you have selected a locale that uses a point as the decimal separator, separate arguments with a comma, e.g., =SUM(1, 2, 3, 0.5, 4).
  • If you have selected a locale that uses a comma as the decimal separator, separate arguments with a semicolon, e.g., =SUM(1; 2; 3; 0,5; 4).

To enter an array in a formula:

  • If you have selected a locale that uses a point as the decimal separator, enter an array with braces and use a comma to separate items in an array, e.g., =SUM({1, 2, 3, 0.5}, 4) .
  • If you have selected a locale that uses a comma as the decimal separator, enter an array with braces and use a backslash to separate items in an array, e.g., =SUM({1\2\3\0,5}; 4).

To use a date function:

Note that only a date format available in your selected locale will be recognized as a valid date. For example, when you use the DATEVALUE function, "Jul/08" will be accepted as a valid date in English (United States), but not in Chinese (Taiwan).

Entering Formulas
Adjusting Formulas with Locale Settings