Synology Presto Client
Synology Presto Client and Presto File Server are tools designed especially for rapid and secure file transfer between your personal computers and Synology NAS. With Synology Presto Client, you can connect to multiple servers to upload/download files at a high-speed over WAN according to your needs, and can easily monitor the file transfer status. In addition, installing the desktop tool Synology Presto Automator allows you to schedule transfer tasks using its graphical user interface and even run tasks using its command-line interface (CLI), thereby increasing work efficiency.
- To install and manage Presto File Server on your Synology device, log in as admin (or a user belonging to the administrators group) and go to Package Center to install Presto File Server, and then click the Help button on the upper-right corner for more information.
- An option for installing Synology Presto Automator appears after the Synology Presto Client installer is executed. However, administrative permission is required to install Synology Presto Automator.
- To access Presto File Server, the firewalls for port 3360 (TCP/UDP) and port 3361 (TCP/UDP) must be opened.
Configuring Synology Presto Client
Download and install Synology Presto Client from Synology's Download Center and then follow the instructions in this section to configure the application.
To set up Synology Presto Client:
On your Windows computer, please do the following:
- Go to Start > All Programs > Synology Presto Client and sign in.
- Click Next to continue.
- Enter the IP address or DDNS name, Username, and Password of your Synology server and click Connect.
On your Mac computer, please do the following:
- Go to Finder > Applications > Synology Presto Client and sign in.
- Click Next to continue.
- Enter the IP address or DDNS name, Username, and Password of your Synology server and click Connect.
On your Linux computer, please do the following:
- Go to Dash > Applications > Network > Synology Presto Client when installed with .deb.
- Enter the IP address, Username, and Password of your Synology server and click Connect.
To connect to another server:
- Click the plus icon in the main app window and enter the IP address/DDNS hostname, Username, and Password of the server you wish to connect to.
- Click Connect.
To disconnect from a server:
- In the main app window, find the server you want to disconnect from.
- Click the ‘x’ to disconnect from the server.
- Once disconnected from a server, the tasks listed in Task Manager will be removed and cannot be resumed.
Using Command-line Interface
Synology Presto Client supports command-line interface (CLI), allowing users to execute high-speed and secure data transfers through the command line and to automate their data transfer workflows. Please refer to CLI Guide for Synology Presto Client (English only) for more information on creating customized CLI scripts.
Using Site Manager
To add a new site and apply advanced settings in your address book:
- Click the Settings icon on the upper-right of the main app window.
- In the Settings window, click the plus icon and enter the IP address, Username, and Password of the server you wish to connect to.
- You can set a Hostname for each connection (optional) as well as configure the following Transfer Settings:
- Enter the number of files that can be transferred concurrently in each connection
- Set the maximum and minimum upload and download rates
- Set the default folder for file downloads
- Set the maximum upload and download speeds
- Enable encrypted transfer
- Enable transfer compression
- Click Apply to save your settings.
To delete a site from your address book:
- Click the settings icon in the main app window.
- In the Settings window, select the connection you want to unlink from the list on the left.
- Click the minus icon.
To determine the file conflict policy:
Before you start to transfer files, you can do the following to configure the file conflict policy for different connected servers:
- Go to Site Manager and find the section entitled Action when file already exists.
- Select one of the following four options when the filename of a transferred file already exists in the destination: Overwrite, Overwrite if file size is different or source is newer, Skip, and Rename.
- Click Apply to save the changes.
- Anonymous login history is recorded in Site Manager.
- When configuring the upload and download rates, the value of the maximum rate (minimum rate) should always be higher (lower) than that of the minimum rate (maximum rate), unless the maximum or minimum rate is set as unlimited.
- After the minimum rate is configured, the file transfer speed will at least be as high as the configured rate. However, the actual transfer speed also depends on the local network environment, the server-side bandwidth limit, and the concurrent connections connected to the server.
Transferring Files
You can switch between the tabs at the top of the main app window to browse and select the files you want to transfer, and can keep track of current transfers in Task Manager.
To transfer your files:
- Use the tree panel in the main app window on the left to navigate the directories on your computer and server. You can also use the search bar to find and sort files by Name, File type, Size, and Modified Time.
- To transfer files, do any of the following:
- Navigate to your server destination and drag and drop any file from your computer.
- Copy your desired file from the source to the destination using hotkeys.
- Copy your desired file from the source to the destination by selecting Copy and Paste in the right click menu.
- Right-click on one or more files and select Download to… to choose a specific download destination.
- Right-click on one or more files and select Download to default folder to download files to the default folder.
- Your file will now appear in Task Manager.
- To set a default folder as the download destination, please connect to a server and click the Settings icon and select a connection. Afterward, go to Download settings and click Browse to configure your preferred default folder.
- Only users with full read permissions (traverse folders/execute files, list folders/read data, read attributes, read extended attributes, and read permissions) can download files from Synology Presto Client.
- Only users with the following write permissions can upload or create files/folders via Synology Presto Client: permissions to create files/write data, create folders/append data, write attributes, and write extended attributes.
To monitor your transfers:
- You can use Task Manager to monitor the status of your current transfers. Click the Task Manager icon in the main window to launch the Task Manager window.
- You can select files and click the icons at the top to stop, start, and pause transfers.
- Expand the Task Manager window by clicking the rightmost icon.
- Once expanded, you can view more details about each transferred file, including the elapsed time, local and remote paths, and its transfer speed.
To prioritize your transfers:
- In Task Manager, select the file you want to move up or down the transfer queue.
- Use the arrow buttons at the top of the window to move a file up or down to adjust its priority.
To view transfer logs:
- In the main app window, click the Log icon to view your logs.
- You can switch between File transfer logs and Event logs using the drop-down menu, and search for specific logs with the search bar.
SSL Verification
SSL verification is supported on Synology Presto Client. A warning message will be triggered if any attempt to connect to a website with unknown SSL certificate is detected. You may continue to proceed to the website and view the SSL details by clicking the lock icon on the tab. Your decision to proceed to the untrusted site will be remembered, preventing the warning message from being triggered again during your next visit to the same site.