
You can edit task settings when creating a backup task, or edit it after a backup task is created.


  • Names of tasks may include 1 to 32 Unicode characters, but cannot contain the following characters:
    ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] \ ^ ` { } | ~
  • Client-side encryption cannot be disabled once the task is set up, nor can the password be changed.
  • The setting of backup data compression cannot be changed once the task is set up.
  • Whenever the task is interrupted if the task is resumable, the status of the task will be changed to suspended. However, if it is not resumable, the status of the task will be changed to cancelled. Make sure the network connection is stable and the total data size fits the bandwidth to reduce possible interruptions.

To rotate versions:

Backup rotation is a version management mechanism. It helps to manage backup versions by automatically deleting older, unnecessary versions and potentially freeing up storage space. You can enable this function at Task Settings or configure it when you create a backup task.

  1. Select the desired backup task on the left panel, and click Edit or Task Settings > Task Settings > Rotation.
  2. Select Enable backup rotation, and choose the desired rotation mode:
    • From the earliest versions: Delete the earliest backup versions when the available versions exceed the defined number.
    • Smart Recycle: The system will retain every backup version until the specified number of versions is exceeded. When rotation is triggered, the system will first rotate the versions that do not meet any of the conditions; if all the existing versions meet the conditions below, the system will rotate the earliest version:
      • Hourly versions from the past 24 hours: Keep the earliest version created each hour.
      • Daily versions from the past 1 day to 1 month: Keep the earliest version created each day.
      • Weekly versions older than 1 month: Keep the earliest version created each week.
    • Customized retention policy: You can add up to seven rules to retention period and versioning interval according to your needs. For example, setting up a one-month retention period and one-week versioning interval would indicate that one backup version will be retained per week and that four backup versions will be retained in total.
  3. Specify the maximum number of versions. When the version number exceeds this number, the earliest version is rotated.
  4. If you have configured a repeated backup schedule at Schedule, you can preview how your backup versions will be retained and the earliest recovery point in the timeline.
  5. Click OK to save the settings.


  • Locked versions will never be removed.
  • Only multi-version backup tasks provide version rotation.
  • Version rotation is not supported in DSM 5.1 or below.
  • The rotation will be triggered right after the setting is changed or the backup task is completed.
  • Locked versions are excluded when calculating the maximum number of versions.

To perform file-level deduplication:

File-level deduplication is supported by Hyper Backup on DSM 6.1 or above. In addition to performing cross-version deduplication, Hyper Backup can also perform data deduplication when files are being renamed or copied to enhance storage efficiency.


  • Deduplication of copied and renamed files is supported by models equipped with 128MB RAM or above, and by Hyper Backup on DSM 6.1 or above. File-level deduplication is not supported for tasks created in versions prior to Hyper Backup 2.0.0 and Hyper Backup Vault 2.0.0, even when both packages are upgraded to version 2.0.0 or later.
  • Deduplication of copied files is not performed on files with data size of less than 1KB.
  • Deduplication of copied files can detect most of the files copied between different versions. However, not all of the copied files can be identified. Deduplication may vary according to your data settings.

To set up an integrity check schedule:

You can set up an integrity check schedule when creating a new backup task and modify the settings in the task editing panel.

  • Check index structure: Required when running an integrity check, this action ensures that backup and restoration will be performed successfully.
  • Check data: You can choose to run the data check when running an integrity check. You can also set a limit on the time spent on data check in each scheduled integrity check. "0 minutes" indicates no time limit, which means all backup data will be checked in each run. Data check ensures that backup data can be restored correctly.


  • If Check data is enabled, the checking progress will be written into logs with the data size and backup versions that get checked.
  • If the integrity check schedule conflicts with the backup schedule, they will be performed sequentially instead of simultaneously.
  • Integrity check schedule cannot be modified from the Control Panel but can be deleted from there.

To enable client-side encryption:

When creating a new backup task, you can tick the checkbox Enable client-side encryption to encrypt the data on the client-side. This encryption feature is equipped with multiple layers of data security to safeguard your sensitive data. Please set up a password after you have ticked the checkbox. Once client-side encryption is enabled, an encryption key will be downloaded automatically from Hyper Backup.

Hyper Backup encrypts backed up data with a version key and the military-grade AES 256-bit encryption technology. A version key is randomly generated for each version whenever a backup task starts; therefore, each backup version has a unique version key. Subsequently, the created version key is encrypted by the RSA 2048 encryption technology and stored in the destination once the backup task is completed. RSA 2048 is an asymmetric encryption algorithm; that is, a public key is used to encrypt data and only a private key can decrypt the data.

When client-side encryption is enabled during the task creation process, the private key, which is equivalent to the encryption key shown on the Hyper Backup user interface, will be downloaded automatically to your local PC and will not be transferred to anywhere else. This private key is used to decrypt the version key that is encrypted by the public key. Once a backup task is created, the private key that is encrypted both by password and AES 256-bit is also transferred to the destination. After you have entered the password, the encrypted private key will be decrypted and will be subsequently used to decrypt the version key. Once the version key is decrypted, the backed up data will be decrypted and accessible.


  • If you have enabled client-side encryption, the password/encryption key must be entered to restore the data of a backup task. Losing the password/encryption key will lead to permanent data loss.
  • Data transfer encryption is enabled automatically even if client-side encryption is not enabled.