Click the gear icon next to the search field at the top to manage the following settings of BT/HTTP/FTP/NZB.
Term Explanations:
- BitTorrent: BitTorrent (BT) is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing data over the internet. It is one of the most common protocols for transferring large files. To share a file or group of files, a small file containing the metadata and the tracker of the original files (called "torrent") is created. Users can download "torrent" files and open them with specific software and connect to other users to start file downloads.
- NZB: NZB is an XML-based file format for retrieving posts from Usenet servers. The file includes information that your newsreader can use to start downloading. You need to join a newsgroup before you can start downloading files on Usenet.
In this section, you can set download schedule, prioritize process order, and enable notification.
Download Schedule
You can limit BT/HTTP/FTP/NZB's download tasks to certain time period of a week and alternative speeds, so that you can free up more network bandwidth when needed.
To set the download schedule:
Choose any of the following:
- Immediately: Allow download tasks to continue without stop.
Advanced schedule: Click Schedule Plan and do the following:
- If you want to limit download tasks to alternative speeds during certain periods of a week, enter the maximum download or upload rates in the BT Alternative Speed Settings section. ("0" means unlimited.)
Choose any of the following and click on the grid to limit download tasks' time or speeds to certain period of a week:
- No Download: Do not download or upload files.
- Default Speed: Download or upload files at the default maximum speeds.
- Alternative Speed: Download or upload files at the maximum speeds you specified in the BT Alternative Speed Settings section.
- Click OK.
Note: Downloading or uploading files at alternative speeds is available for BT tasks only.
Process order
Do the following to sort the order of download tasks.
Choose any of the following:
- By date created: Sort the order of download tasks by the date they are added.
- By user (one task at a time): Sort the order of download tasks by the users who added the download tasks.
- Click OK.
Note: Choosing By user can improve the fairness among users, so it is recommended when more than one user are downloading files.
You can have Download Station send notifications via email and desktop to instantly inform you of the task-related events. You can also customize what events will trigger notifications and the desired media.
To enable email notifications:
- Go to Settings (the cogwheel icon) > Notification > Settings.
- Select Enable email notifications.
- Specify the sender and recipient email addresses.
- Click Send a test message to check if the email addresses are valid.
- Click Apply to save the settings.
To customize email notifications:
- Go to Settings (the cogwheel icon) > Notification > Advanced.
- Under Email header, select the event notifications you want to receive via email.
- Click Save to save the settings.
To enable/customize desktop notifications:
- Go to Settings (the cogwheel icon) > Notification > Advanced.
- Under the Desktop header, select the event notifications you want to receive via desktop.
- Click Save to save the settings.
In this section, you can specify download destination folder and torrent/NZB watched folder.
Default Destination Folder
Specify a folder that will be used to store files downloaded via BT/HTTP/FTP/NZB.
To specify the default destination folder:
- Click Select and choose a folder.
- Click Select.
- Click OK.
Torrent/NZB Watched Folder
Specify a watched folder which will be monitored by Download Station to create download tasks automatically for any torrent/NZB files within that folder.
To specify a watched folder:
- Tick Load torrent/NZB file(s) from watched folder automatically.
- If you want to delete torrent/NZB files after download tasks have been created for those files, tick Delete loaded torrent/NZB files.
- Click Select and choose a folder.
- Click Select.
- Click OK.
File Hosting
There are many online file hosting websites where you can upload and share files or multimedia contents with other people. With Download Station, files can be downloaded from those websites.
Some of the websites ask users to register a premium account which allows you to use Download Station to directly download files without entering membership credentials for each download task. To confirm whether a premium account is required, please refer to their websites for more information.
To edit your premium account information:
- Select one of the websites from the list and click Edit. (For those which do not require a premium account, the Edit button will be disabled.)
- Enter your premium membership information in the fields and click OK.
In this section, you can edit the following settings for downloading BT files.
To specify the TCP port number:
Enter "16881" at the TCP Port field. By default, the TCP port is 16881. It can also be set from 1 to 65535 manually by the administrator.
Note: You cannot use the following port number for BT access, because they are reserved for system use:
- Port Number: 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 80, 110, 137, 138, 139, 143, 199, 443, 445, 515, 543, 548, 587, 873, 993, 995, 3306, 3689, 5000, 5001, 5005, 5006, 5335, 5432, 9997, 9998, 9999
- FTP default port range: The actual range may vary depending on different models.
To set up BT upload and download rates:
Enter the maximum upload and download rate for BT downloads and uploads. ("0" means unlimited.)
BT Network Setting
See below for more advanced BT settings.
To encrypt BT traffic:
- Choose any of the following from the BT protocol encryption drop-down menu:
- Disable: Disable outgoing encrypted connections, but will accept incoming encrypted connections.
- Auto: Attempt to accept incoming encrypted connections, but will fall back to an unencrypted mode if connection fails.
- Always: Always accept incoming encrypted connections and use outgoing encrypted connections.
- Click OK.
To set maximum number of peers for each BT task:
- Enter a number in the Max. peers allowed per torrent file field. ("Peers" are BT clients currently sharing the same files over the network.)
- Click OK.
To enable DHT for BT network:
- Tick Enable DHT network, and then change the default DHT UDP port setting if necessary.
- Click OK.
Auto Stop Task
The BT download task will continue seeding even when the task is finished. This setting allows you modify the share ratio and seeding interval for the download task.
Download Station will stop tasks when both criteria are met.
BT Search
In this section, you can see a list of default BT search engines. When you use the BT Search function to search for torrent files, Download Station will list search results provided by these search engines.
You can also click Add and upload a BT search engine plug-in to add your favorite BT search engines to the list.
In this section, you can set the number of simultaneous connections to one FTP server, and limit the maximum download rate of each FTP task.
Download Station allows you to download files via a news server. The news server information must be assigned before downloading NZB files.
The maximum connections is usually limited by your news server, and you can also limit maximum connections to each NZB task by giving it a value.
To fix corrupt NZB files with .par2 files:
If a .par2 (Parchive 2) file is found within a download, the file can be used to fix corrupt downloaded files.
- Click Settings (the cogwheel icon) > NZB.
- Two .par2-related options are available:
- Repair corrupt files with .par2 files: When the system detects corrupt files in the download, the contained .par2 files will be used to fix them.
- Remove .par2 files after successful file repairs: The contained .par2 files will be deleted after the fix is done.
- Click OK.
Thunder / FlashGet / QQDL
Download Station supports Thunder, FlashGet, and QQDL downloads by translating URLs to the HTTP protocol. You can download files whose URLs starting with the following:
- thunder://
- flashget://
- qqdl://
For RSS download tasks, you can choose from the Update interval drop-down menu to shorten the update interval from 24 hours to your preferred time period.